Friday, 28 March 2014

Spiritual Warfare - Prayer

Jesus taught us that we can have only 24 hours of prayer protection at a time. Everyday we must begin again and ask for new mercies from God. This is based upon the teachings of Jesus in Matthew 6:9-13, 34 and the teaching of Paul in Ephesians 6:10-18. Jesus also told us that we must bind the strong man before we can spoil him (Matthew 12:29). Spiritual warfare, as all prayer will be ineffective if we harbour any unforgiveness in our hearts (Matthew 5:23-24).
  1. Begin by praising and worshiping God the Father, Jesus the Son and God the Holy Spirit.
  2. Rebuke the devil and bind him in the entire world, as far as you and your ministry and life are concerned, for the next 24 hours. This means your health, your family, your job, your children, and everything in which you are involved, in the Name of Jesus.
  3. Rebuke and bind all demonic forces in the entire world, as far as you and your ministry and life are concerned, for the next 24 hours. This means your health, your family, your job, your children, and everything in which you are involved, in the Name of Jesus.
  4. Take all of your enemies to the Lord, and one by one, ask God to destroy the works of evil that they might be doing against you for the next 24 hours, regardless of whether they live near or far away. Ask God to destroy all evil work of which you might be unaware, in the Name of Jesus.
  5. In the Name of Jesus, break all curses that people might be speaking against you for the next 24 hours. Include in this any curse you might speak yourself, out of ignorance or unbelief.
  6. Ask God in the Name of Jesus to send out the ministering angels that He has assigned to you, to guide, protect and help you in every way, so that you might be blessed that day and receive all things that God has for you.
  7. Pray for yourself. Repent of the sins in your life and ask God to show you what you need to clean up in your personal life. Pray that God will keep you well and that you will be anointed during the next 24 hours.
  8. Pray for other people who are on your prayer list. This is when you take their needs to the Lord and intercede for them.
  9. Close by again praising and worshiping the Lord. Thank Him that all the things for which you prayed are now happening and that victory is on the way.
This is just a brief outline. Let the Holy Spirit add and enrich your prayer life. If you have not been filled with the Holy Spirit, ask Jesus to fill you with His Holy Spirit that you might have more power in your praying. This is a morning prayer, but there should be continuous prayer throughout the day as your needs arise and the Holy Spirit brings things to your mind. If you do something and remember it is displeasing to the Lord, repent at that very moment.


Acknowledge you are a sinner who needs to be saved and that you cannot save yourself.

  • Romans 3:23 For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God
  • Romans 5:8 But God commends his love toward us, in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.
  • Romans 6:23 For the wages of sin is death: but the gift of God is eternal life, through Jesus Christ our Lord.
  • Ephesians 2:8-10 For by grace are you saved, through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: Not by works lest any man should boast. For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to good works, which God has before ordained that we should walk in them.
Believe that God loves you and desires to forgive you, believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God and that He is the only way to heaven. 

  • John 3:16-17 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved.
  • John 14:6 Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.
  • Romans 10:13 For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.
  • II Chronicles 7:14 If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.
  • Ephesians 4:32 And be ye kind one to another tender hearted, forgiving one another, even as God for Christ's sake hath forgiven you.
Confess and repent of your sins to God, tell Him that you are sorry and want to be forgiven.

  • I John 1:9 If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.
  • Romans 10:9-13 That if you shall confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus, and shall believe in your heart that God has raised him from the dead, you shall be saved. For with the heart man believes unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation. For the scripture says, Whosoever believes on him shall not be ashamed. For there is no difference between the Jew and the Greek: for the same Lord over all is rich unto all that call upon him. For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.
If you read this and realize that you are hopelessly lost, that there is nothing you can do to earn your way into heaven, all that remains to do is to ask God to save you. "If you ask, God will answer!"
  • Dear Lord Jesus, forgive me of my sins, cleanse my heart of all sin and wickedness, come in to my life and be my Lord and Saviour. I believe you shed your precious blood on the cross; you died and rose again on the third day for me. Save me Jesus, I know I can’t save myself. Thank you for giving me eternal life and a place in heaven with you. Amen.   
If you just went through the ABC's of salvation and asked Jesus to save you, you are now a Christian! You have become born again and are a new creation in God's eyes, please contact us and share the good news!

Remember this, what Jesus has done in the past, He will do in the future. If you call out to Him, He will answer you. What He will do for one person, He will do for another. God is not a respecter of persons and He doesn't show favouritism. He will help anybody who calls out to Him. "You can take that to the bank!"
  • Hebrews 13:8 "Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever."

Thursday, 27 March 2014


John S. Torell

The Holy Spirit woke me up on the morning of October 7th at 4:00 AM to show me a vision about the end times. For some time I have been asking God to show me why He gave the great revelation to the apostle John, which we know today as the Book of Revelation.


From the  day of Pentecost until 90 A.D., a time period of about 60 years, the apostles, including Paul, had not been instructed by Jesus as to how the world system would be closed down. They had been given some glimpses like the references to a period of tribulation when Jesus referred to a person as the “abomination of desolation” standing in the temple in Jerusalem. When this happened it would be time to flee. The apostle Paul referred to the man of sin but there were no details of what would happen during the most turbulent period in the history of mankind. The apostle Peter said the earth and the entire universe would be dissolved with a new creation following afterward. These were future events but the sequence in which they would come was not revealed.

It must have come as a shock to the Christians when the temple in Jerusalem was destroyed in 70 A.D., even though it was prophesied by Jesus.

In order for the generation who is going to live during the tribulation period, a written record had to be written down so that God’s people could prepare themselves and not be surprised by the world dictator, who would rule over a world federation with total economic and religious control. The people also needed to know that this ruler will be defeated by Jesus and about the judgments of God and when the new creation would take place.


Jesus was persecuted from the day He was born in Bethlehem until the day He died on the cross. From the very beginning of his ministry, Jesus prepared the disciples to expect persecution when proclaiming the Gospel message instead of being received with great joy. (Matthew 10:16-39)

With the exception of John, every apostle died a violent death at the hands of men who hated Jesus.

The church was birthed in a time of persecution and there will be much persecution before Jesus comes back. (Revelation 13:4-9)


Never before in the history of mankind has such a financial, industrial and commerce network existed that controls individuals in every nation on the earth; but Jesus predicted this exact scenario. (Revelation 13:11-18)

There will be a mark of loyalty for people to be part of this global system but no one will be forced to take it. Every person who takes this mark on their forehead or right hand will voluntarily pledge their loyalty to the Antichrist. (Revelation 13:14-15)


Jesus also made it clear there are eternal consequences for the person that takes the mark; eternal damnation in the Lake of Fire, with no possibility of repentance. In other words, you cannot undo this action; not even the blood of Jesus will wash away this sin. (Revelation 14:9-13)


The warning has been given by Jesus; it is up to each individual to take action. We will do well if we listen to the Holy Spirit and learn how He led the early church through their time of persecution. (John 16:7-15)


When the time of the Antichrist begins, it will become unlawful to be a professing Christian, church buildings will be closed; pastors and church leaders who insist on preaching the true Gospel will be arrested, sent to labor camps or executed. This is the life of Christians in China today.

Christians will no longer have access to the Internet, which will be purged of all websites that include Christian content or opposes the new world government. Christians who have smart phones will find themselves cut off from service.

There will be no more stores that sell Bibles and you won’t be able to find them for sale except on the black market.


The early church survived because of the following factors:
  1. There was no central leadership for the first 200 years.
  2. There were no church buildings; instead, Christians met in small home groups and were lead by an elder. Every city or a rural province would have a bishop, who instructed the elders from the Bible. (1 Timothy 3:1)
  3. To be accepted into a home group, an individual had to repent of his sins, receive Christ as Lord and Savior and submit to water baptism through immersion. Once he had proved himself to be a disciple, he was accepted into the fellowship. (Acts 9:26-27)
  4. Jesus had set up the different offices in the church. (Ephesians  4:11-16)
  5. In order to gain access to a local fellowship, a letter of recommendation was required. (Acts 15:22-27)
  6. The written word of God was used by the Holy Spirit to keep the churches spiritually healthy. (2 Peter 1:13-21)

It is possible to prepare for a natural disaster such as an hurricane, tornado or earthquake but it take careful planning. In much the same way, Christians need to take stock and get ready as we see the end times approaching.
  1. Prepare yourself mentally to trust in God alone, not in men or the government. (Matthew 6:24-34)
  2. Be ready to die for your faith. (2 Timothy 4:6-8)
  3. Maintain a close fellowship with Jesus or you will not be able to hold up during the pressure that is coming. (John 15: 1-8)
  4. Find Christians in your community who you can trust and start building a local Christian fellowship where you meet for worship, prayer and Bible studies.
  5. Buy some extra Bibles and build up a stockpile for future believers in Christ.
  6. Find a good source of Christian material that will teach you church and secular history, doctrine and customs from ancient Israel.
  7. Study to prepare yourself to pray for the sick, to cast out demons and to be used by God to work miracles. Prepare yourself to live in the supernatural, not in the flesh.
  8. Affiliate yourselves with other like minded groups in other areas and be ready to aid people in need.

Wednesday, 26 March 2014

Are You Prepared For The Tribulation?

John S. Torell

Over the years I have preached many sermons about the Antichrist, the Great Tribulation and the Mark of the Beast. But I have never really thought about what itofmeant to live during the time that Jesus said would be shortened or no person would survive.

“For then shall be great tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be. And except those days should be shortened, there should no flesh be saved: but for the elect’s sake those days shall be shortened.” (Matthew 24:21-22)

I have written nine books in the Kabbalah series in the last three years and laid out the road a road map of how a world government has been shaped in the last 300 years.

Lately, my personal devotional time has been spent reading about China. The first book dealt with events on the Tiananmen Square massacre in 1989 and the second book is the life story of the well-known house church leader named Brother Yun, also known as “The Heavenly Man.” The persecution, imprisonment and torture of Yun went through got deep into my soul and I realized how ill prepared believers in Christ are in the West when it comes to persecution.

Several days after I finished these books, the Holy Spirit began to tell me that I was not prepared for the future despite all the knowledge I had accumulated during the years of ministry and that few Christians had ever entertained the thought that they might have to live through the Great Tribulation. We need to be mentally, spiritually and physically prepared. In this article we will examine the common teaching that the Church will be raptured before the coming of the Antichrist. In reading the Bible, I have not found any reference in the Bible supporting a pre-rapture of the believers in Christ.

Here are the different time periods given in the Bible:
  • Daniel was told by the angel that from the time the daily sacrifice ended in the temple in Jerusalem until the Antichrist set himself up as God would be 3.53 years. (Dan. 12:11)
  • There is another time given to Daniel that speaks of 3.66 years. There is no reference in the Bible to when this period begins and thus it will be unknown until God gives a new revelation that explains it. (Dan. 12:12)
  • John was told that the torment of the locusts from the bottomless pit would last five months. (Rev. 9:5)
  • The first period of the Antichrist will last for 3.5 years before he is killed. (Rev. 13:1-5) His deadly wound will be healed as he is brought back to life and worshipped as a god. (Rev. 3:12)
  • The total reign of the Antichrist is listed as one hour. (Rev. 17:12) Using  the  formula given to Peter, one hour in heaven is the equivalent of 41.6 years on earth. (2 Peter 3:8)
  • There is no timetable for how long the Great Tribulation will last, except that Jesus said the time would be shortened so that people would survive. (Matt. 24:21-22)
My conclusion is that the Great Tribulation period and the reign of the Antichrist are not one and the same. The Great Tribulation refers to judgments of God that are poured out on the earth while the reign of the Antichrist will last for 41.6 years.


I decided to pray and seek the Lord for every Scripture that dealt with life on earth for Christians during the time of the Antichrist. I was amazed to find so much information about the end times that it became clear that God indeed does have a preparation program for His people. God did not want to wait until the last minute to reveal to his prophets what the ending of the earth would be like. As a result, He began to reveal a little here and a little there with the final revelation given to the Apostle John in 90 A.D., known today as the Book of Revelation, the last book in the Bible.

Logic tells us that this information will not be relevant for most Christians, except for the generation of Christians who live on the earth at the time that these prophecies are fulfilled. I believe we are getting close to that time and thus what I’m about to share with you should be relevant to you and your loved ones.

We will begin in the Old Testament and three prophets who were given specific details about the end of time: Isaiah, Ezekiel and Daniel.


Isaiah lived approximately from  800 to 690 B.C. Israel at this time had been split into two kingdoms, with the ten northern tribes making up the Kingdom of Israel and  the two southern tribes making up the Kingdom of Judah. Isaiah lived through the dramatic fall of Israel and its capitol Samaria in 721 B.C. by the Sargon II, and most of the people were taken captive and scattered into the Assyrian Empire and replaced by Gentiles who were brought in from different nations to resettle Israel. (2 Kings 17:18-28)

According to historical records, Isaiah lived close to the temple in Jerusalem his whole life. His great concern was that the people of Israel did not listen to warnings from God and lost their land. He must have been heartbroken over that the kings of Judah and its people who refused to repent of their sins when they heard that the ten northern tribes had not only been defeated, but most of the people had been carried into other nations.

Isaiah prophesied against the kings of Judah and the ruling political parties to no avail. Prior to Isaiah there had been no end times prophecies with the exception of Enoch who lived before the flood.


The Lord moved upon Isaiah and he spoke a prophecy about the end of times:

“Come near, ye nations, to hear; and hearken, ye people: let the earth hear, and all that is therein; the world, and all things that come forth of it.

For the indignation of the LORD is upon all nations, and his fury upon all their armies: he hath utterly destroyed them, he hath delivered them to the slaughter. Their slain also shall be cast out, and their stink shall come up out of their carcases, and the mountains shall be melted with their blood.

And all the host of heaven shall be dissolved, and the heavens shall be rolled together as a scroll: and all their host shall fall down, as the leaf falleth off from the vine, and as a falling fig from the fig tree.” (Isa. 34:1-4)


Toward the end of his life, God gave Isaiah another prophecy about the end times, but he didn’t know when it would take place or what the conditions would be. In reading the Book of Revelation, it is clear to us now that this is a prophecy about the Thousand Years Kingdom and life in the New Creation.

Since this was not clear to the Jews they simply believed that God would bring the ten northern tribes back into their land one day, and that the kingdom would no longer be split, but that it would be restored to the way it was during the time of King David and King Solomon. The Kabbalistic Jews adopted this prophecy and made it a pillar in their doctrine of an Israeli world kingdom, where the descendants of Abraham would be supreme rulers of the earth and all Gentiles would become slaves to Israel and its people. (Isaiah 60:1-22)


The last prophetic word that Isaiah received was that the current earth and universe would not last for eternity, but that at some time in history they would cease to exist and there would be a new creation.

“Behold, my servants shall sing for joy of heart, but ye shall cry for sorrow of heart, and shall howl for vexation of spirit. And ye shall leave your name for a curse unto my chosen: for the Lord GOD shall slay thee, and call his servants by another name: That he who blesseth himself in the earth shall bless himself in the God of truth; and he that sweareth in the earth shall swear by the God of truth; because the former troubles are forgotten, and because they are hid from mine eyes. For, behold, I create new heavens and a new earth: and the former shall not be remembered, nor come into mind.” (Isa. 65:14-17)

This last prophecy was not given in chronological order, for in the following verses, we gain insight in what it is going to be like in the Thousand Years Kingdom:

“And I will rejoice in Jerusalem, and joy in my people: and the voice of weeping shall be no more heard in her, nor the voice of crying. There shall be no more thence an infant of days, nor an old man that hath not filled his days: for the child shall die an hundred years old; but the sinner being an hundred years old shall be accursed. And they shall build houses, and inhabit them; and they shall plant vineyards, and eat the fruit of them.
They shall not build, and another inhabit; they shall not plant, and another eat: for as the days of a tree are the days of my people, and mine elect shall long enjoy the work of their hands. They shall not labour in vain, nor bring forth for trouble; for they are the seed of the blessed of the LORD, and their offspring with them. And it shall come to pass, that before they call, I will answer; and while they are yet speaking, I will hear.
The wolf and the lamb shall feed together, and the lion shall eat straw like the bullock: and dust shall be the serpent’s meat. They shall not hurt nor destroy in all my holy mountain, saith the LORD.” (Isa. 65:19-25)

Thus in a time of great trouble God gave his people hope that He would restore Israel and give them a future in the end. This was the word that the Jewish people clung to when Jerusalem fell in 587 B.C. and the city was destroyed with its temple and the majority of the Jewish people were carried into captivity into Babylon.

When Manasseh was made a king of Judah after Hezekiah’s death, he was only 12 years old and Judah was ruled by his adult spiritual guardians, who came from the political party of Ahaz. They wanted to bring back the idol worship that had been destroyed by Hezekiah, and in order to move the young boy in the wrong direction, they had to remove the prophet Isaiah. According to historical records, he was murdered by being sawn asunder.  


As a young priest, Ezekiel was taken into Babylon eleven years before the destruction of Jerusalem and the temple. King Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon had defeated the kingdom of Judah in 598 B.C. and set up a vassal king over Jerusalem. He then took the first wave of Jews into captivity and brought them to Babylon. Ezekiel became a priest to the Jews living in exile and his main focus in life was to minister to his people and pray that the Babylonian empire would be destroyed so that the Jews could return to Jerusalem and Judea.


Ezekiel was aware of the people’s sins and gave prophecies concerning what was going on secretly in the temple so far away. (Ezek. 8:1-18; 22:23-31; 34:1-11)


He was given a series of prophecies toward the end of his life about Israel that would take place in the future. There was no time frame given when this would take place and these prophecies have been badly interpreted and misused by preachers for the last 200 years, even by myself when I was misled by Hal Lindsey back in the 1970’s.

The first prophecy is that God toward the end of time on this earth will raise up the people of Israel from their spiritual death. (Ezek. 37:1-14)

This resurrection is going to take place after the second return of Christ and will only be  for those Israelites who have repented of their sins and believed in the Messiah. This knowledge of life after death was given by revelation to Enoch, and was expressed by the preacher Job, who was a contemporary of Abraham:

“Oh that my words were now written! oh that they were printed in a book! That they were graven with an iron pen and lead in the rock for ever! For I know that my redeemer liveth, and that he shall stand at the latter day upon the earth: And though after my skin worms destroy this body, yet in my flesh shall I see God: Whom I shall see for myself, and mine eyes shall behold, and not another; though my reins be consumed within me.” (Job 19:23-27)

Very few ministers bring out the background of the different prophets in the Old Testament, therefore it is easy to misconstrue the message that was given to the prophets by God. Ezekiel was heartbroken that the ten northern tribes had been removed from their land, Israel had been divided into two kingdoms and now both of these kingdoms had been absorbed into another nation. The temple had been destroyed and Jerusalem had been reduced to a heap of rubble. It would take a miracle to restore the nation of Israel and this was the message that God gave to Ezekiel. One day Israel and Judah  would no longer be divided and the people would once again be one. (Ezek. 37:15-22)

Then God told Ezekiel the spiritual condition of the people at this time that they would be holy and there would be no more defilement. Ruling over them would be the resurrected King David. (Ezek. 37:23-25)

This prophecy is supported in the Book of Acts 15:16 and in Revelation 20:4.

God also told Ezekiel that there would be a new covenant, one that would be everlasting. (Ezek. 37:37:26-28)

The Kabbalistic Jews and the Christian Zionists use the 37th chapter of Ezekiel to support the foundation of the state of Israel in 1948. What they completely disregard is that God described the condition of the people as sanctified and holy and that the resurrected King David would rule over them with a new covenant. There is no King David at this time ruling the political state of Israel, and most of the leadership and people of Israel do not even believe in the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.


For some reason God decided to give Ezekiel a detailed description of the final war on the earth as described by the Apostle John in the Book of Revelation. (Rev. 20:7-9) God knew this war would be fought thousands of years after Ezekiel had died and never told Ezekiel that he was going to be personally involved in this war, but there is a strong warning to the generation who will be alive at the time of this war. Every true believer in Christ should refuse to participate in it since it is doomed to failure because it is a battle against God directly. Thus this prophecy is for the generation that will be alive during the time of the Thousand Years Kingdom. (Ezekiel, chapters 38 and 39)


Neither the Bible nor historical records reveals what wave of deportation Daniel was in. All we know is that he was taken to Babylon with his young friends and that they were groomed for civil service in the Babylonian government. They were anointed by God and found great favor in the eyes of the king of Babylon and given high government positions. God gave Daniel dreams and visions that applied to his day, but God also gave him spectacular revelations regarding the end times as well. Just like with Ezekiel, God knew that Daniel would not live in the flesh to see this take place, but the prophecies were given for the generation that will be alive at the end times.


The first  piece of important information we get from Daniel is that the future world dictator (Antichrist) will take power with a small number of people aiding him. (Dan. 11:23-24)

The concept given to the prophets was that the Antichrist will not be a Gentile, but from one of the tribes of Israel. The Old Testament narrows it down even further that the true Messiah would come from the tribe of Judah. In order for this Man of Sin to deceive the Jewish people into believing that he is the genuine Messiah, he too must fulfill the prophecy and come from the lineage of King David. (Isa. 11:1-5)

The charge of anti-Semitism is thrown around a lot today. Being labeled as an anti-Semite can be compared to being blacklisted or receiving the kiss of death in society. Consequently, everyone is afraid to criticize the Jews for fear of being blacklisted as anti-Semitic. A Christian is not anti-Semitic when he embraces the biblical teaching that the Antichrist is going to be from the tribe of Judah and claim lineage to King David. Matthew and Luke put great importance on validating the lineage of Jesus. (Matt. 1:1-16; Luke 3:23-38)

Do you think the rabbis who validate the Antichrist will be sloppy and bypass this issue? Only a biblically uneducated person would make that assumption. No Jew would ever accept a man claiming to be the Messiah unless he was first validated by the chief rabbis.

I have already established in the Kabbalah book series how the World Zionist Federation has a goal of establishing a Jewish “One World Government” under the direction of the Jewish Messiah, which they claim will be empowered with power from God and thus will yield divine power that will supernaturally put down all resistance. The problem is that they do not have a Messiah in place right now, nor do they have divine supernatural power, and therefore they are relying upon deception and military power.

In order to understand how the Jewish power structure works, you cannot equate the government of the political State of Israel with the World Government. The government in Jerusalem is a local government in charge of three million Jews and Arabs who live in Israel. It is their duty to make sure that they maintain the borders of Israel militarily and ready at all times to repel any attack on Israel, which includes pre-emptive strikes if necessary.

The real Jewish World Government is located in London and New York and is set up in a similar fashion to the Roman Catholic Church.

Everybody in the world knows the political set up of the Roman Catholic Church.  There are priests in charge of the local parishes and congregations. These local churches are governed by a bishop, who is in charge of a district. A cluster of districts is ruled by a Cardinal. A number of cardinals do not have a district, but are stationed in Rome, where they are in charge of different departments. The top leader in the Roman Catholic Church is the Pope. The pope can only be chosen from the body of cardinals, so when a pope dies, all the cardinals gather in Rome in a secret conclave to elect from among themselves the next pope.

There is no unity among Jewish rabbis and there is no chief rabbi that rules all the rabbis in the world. Judaism is more like the Protestant churches, which are divided up into many different denominations.

The top secular Jewish leadership is Kabbalistic, but there are different levels of devotion to the Kabbalah among them. Most synagogues are reform or orthodox, but there are some synagogues which cater exclusively to the Kabbalah and the Talmud. Of some 13 million Jews living in the world in 2013, less than 20,000 are hard core Kabbalists. The recruiting is done pretty much the same as in Freemasonry where you don’t ask to become a member but are selected and given a chance to get on the Kabbalistic team. To be in the inner core, you have to be part of the old European Jewish families dating back to the 18th century. There is a secret Jewish congress consisting of 300 delegates, who in turn elect members to the cabinet of 13. There are 12 members in this cabinet representing the twelve tribes of Israel and the 13th is the messianic representative, who one day will be replaced by the false messiah (Antichrist). When the messianic representative dies, the twelve members choose a new one from their ranks and then the congress of 300 elects another man to fill the Cabinet of 13.

To be a member of the congress you must be a devoted Luciferian and fiercely devoted to the Zionist cause of a world government under Jewish leadership.

The Cabinet of 13 controls the entire world through its grip on banking and investment funds. Every national political leader is under their control through bribery, extortion or finance. Since the Cabinet has total control of the establishment media in every nation, they can easily manipulate elections and the financial markets. The Internet has been a problem for the world government with its freedom of information and eventually they will take control when they believe that they have squashed all possible opposition. In the meantime, they are pressuring companies like Google and Yahoo to withhold information they feel is a threat to them. China and other communist nations are blocking anything on the Internet they feel is a threat to their security and that also includes a number of Islamic nations in the Middle East.

The Cabinet of 13 rules through a number of sub organizations. The least well-known organizations among Gentiles are the different Jewish congresses, which is not to be confused with the Congress of 300. There is the World Jewish Congress, the Canadian Jewish Congress, the American Jewish Congress, the South American Jewish Congress, the European Jewish Congress and the African Jewish Congress. As you can imagine, there are no Gentiles in these organizations.

The next layer in this pyramid are Gentile organization like the Illuminati, the Council on Foreign Relations, the Trilateral Commission, the Bilderburgers, different Masonic lodges, college and university fraternity organizations, World Council of Churches, labor unions, a number of liberal church denominations, most of the American Evangelical denominations and independent churches, conservation groups like the Sierra Club, and a number of political lobby groups in Washington DC, the most well known is AIPAC.

Pastors Rick Warren from Saddleback Church in Southern California and John Hagee from Cornerstone Church in Texas are their most valuable assets in the Christian community.

The people in these Gentile organizations don’t know who they work for nor do they understand the hidden goals. There are a number of catch slogans for the different groups. For example, there is much talk that global warming must be curbed and that population control is a must since there are too many people on earth. Furthermore, we need to save the whales, save the tigers, save the spotted owls, save the trees, etc. Trained agitators will whip up the emotions of the people in the different organizations and tell them how important it is to work for the “cause.”

Top leaders are told for look for young people with talents and they are usually recruited as early as high school and sent through different leadership training programs. In order to make them pliable, they are encouraged to dislike the Bible and Christians in generality. They are taken to lavish retreats, where they are given alcohol and recreational drugs and encouraged to become sexually involved with other participants; there is no restriction on sexual activities as homosexual acts are just as popular with the top leadership. Thus, as a person is being trained and educated, they are being morally destroyed at the same time. By building in this weakness into their upcoming leadership, the top leaders can easily destroy any person who does not tow the party line by disclosing their deviant sexual lifestyle. Senator Gary Hart ran for the presidency in the 1988 when his extramarital affair with Donna Rice became headline news and he was forced to bow out of the race. Senator John Edwards had a child out of wedlock with Rielle Hunter while his wife battled cancer; he fought hard to keep it a secret to no avail and was forced out of the race for the White House.

The nations’ intelligence services are controlled by the Cabinet of 13, which gives them access to national secrets and professional assassins. Most countries have special forces which will augment intelligence agencies when a more powerful force is needed. The Jewish world government has the Mossad, the most feared intelligence service in the world. Intelligence organizations like the CIA, the FBI, the MI5 and MI6, the Russian FSB, which used to be known as the KGB, all fear the Mossad.

The only nation that the Jewish world government has not been able to  completely intimidate and control is China. It  is interesting that the Book of Revelation tells of a huge army coming from the east to battle the Antichrist forces in the Middle East. (Revelation 9:14-16) It is dangerous to work for the world government’s organizations, particularly if you are involved in intelligence or special forces operations. Biological warfare specialist Frank Olson (1910-1953) was thrown out of the window in a high rise building, FBI director Edgar Hoover (1895-1972) was given a speedy departure when he started to resist his handlers, CIA directors William Casey and William Colby were both killed to keep them from revealing secrets. President John F. Kennedy and his brother, Robert Kennedy, were assassinated, labor boss Jimmy Hoffa was most likely murdered and there are hundreds of other cases like this. Senators and Congressmen have been murdered, some were framed and sentenced to long prison terms.

Politicians quickly find out that if they are not politically correct, they will be sabotaged, maligned and smeared in the media or simply ignored.

Recently there have been whistleblowers who have revealed how the IRS has been used against people who are bucking the system. For years I have been telling people that the National Security Agency (NSA) is monitoring all phone calls, e-mails, bank transactions, etc. and the American people are constantly being monitored and their data stored on supercomputers.


The leaders in this Jewish World Government fear the free thinking opinion makers and conservative Christians, particularly Baptist and Pentecostal Christians. Any group that tries to organize themselves into a political party and fight the establishment is hated with a passion and the American Tea Party falls into this category.

You might scoff at what I just said, but look at these facts: Christians were hunted down and butchered by the millions in the Soviet Union, Nazi Germany, Communist China, and all other Communist nations in the world. Anyone who tried to organize opposition parties in these nations were hunted down and killed.

In the future, any person or group that doesn’t bow down to this world government and chooses to resist it will be considered dangerous and killed with extreme prejudice. If this newsletter is found in your possession during the reign of the Antichrist, you will be arrested, labeled an enemy of the state and sentenced to death. There will be no death row like there is now in the United States, where a prisoner can sit for 30 years while he appeals the sentence. No, it will be like in China where you are arrested today, sentenced tomorrow and killed the next day.

Thus, the prophetic word given to Daniel about the Antichrist and his system has to a degree been fulfilled and continues to be fulfilled as the world government increases its stranglehold on the world.


A dictator cannot allow another power system to exist in his kingdom if he is going to have absolute control over the people. As soon as Jesus was born in Bethlehem, news about his birth was brought to King Herod, who saw Jesus as a threat and decided that He must be killed to protect his power. (Matt.2:1-20)

The ruling Jewish leadership at the time of Christ could not co-exist with the Kingdom of God and they made it clear that Jesus had to die. (Matt. 26:1-5; 65-75; 27:1-42)

They thought that by having Jesus executed by the Romans, there would be no more threat to their monopoly of power over the Jews. When they realized that the movement of Jesus was still alive and well, they attacked again and went after Jesus’ followers. (Acts 4:1-21)

The Book of Acts is the history of the persecution experienced by Christians at the hands of the Talmudic Kabbalistic Jewish leadership and of the Roman government. Thousands of Christians paid with their lives during the first three hundred years.

When Satan infiltrated the Christian churches and founded the Roman Catholic Church in 325 A.D., the persecution of believers in Christ did not come from the outside forces, but from within  the apostate church of Rome.

Kings in different nations persecuted Christians for centuries and when the communist scourge was unleashed upon the earth, the blood of born again believers also began to flow at the hands of the Nazi’s in Germany and the Fascist’s in Italy.

These ungodly governments and religious groups knew that a born again Christian cannot be controlled, and furthermore, they will witness and lead other people to Christ and in time win enough people for Christ that the dictatorship will lose power and be destroyed.

The Jewish world government leaders know their history well and recognize that Christianity must be eradicated if they are going to take control over the earth. This was predicted by Jesus 2,000 years ago. (Rev. 13:5-9)


It is very interesting that God told the prophet Daniel some 2,500 years ago what the spiritual condition would be on the believers of Christ in the end times.

“And such as do wickedly against the covenant shall he corrupt by flatteries: but the people that do know their God shall be strong, and do exploits. And they that understand among the people shall instruct many: yet they shall fall by the sword, and by flame, by captivity, and by spoil, many days. Now when they shall fall, they shall be holpen with a little help: but many shall cleave to them with flatteries. And some of them of understanding shall fall, to try them, and to purge, and to make them white, even to the time of the end: because it is yet for a time appointed.” (Dan. 11:32-35)

When this prophecy was given, there was only one covenant in force, and thus God was telling those in the future that the Antichrist will flatter the Jewish people, while God’s people will be strong, which includes Jews and Gentiles who have been born again. There will be preaching and teaching by Christians, but at the same time, there will be a terrible persecution.

Just like in the Soviet Union, Nazi Germany and modern day China, there will be no human help for the believers in Christ when they are tormented and executed. Jesus spoke about this in the Book of Revelation:

“Here is the patience of the saints: here are they that keep the commandments of God, and the faith of Jesus. And I heard a voice from heaven saying unto me, Write, Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord from henceforth: Yea, saith the Spirit, that they may rest from their labours; and their works do follow them.” (Rev. 14:12-13)

Other believers in Christ will be tempted and choose to sin like we have seen so many times with evangelists, pastors and church people in the last 50 years. There will be repentance when the chastisement of God falls upon them, and they will be purged from their sins through pain and suffering.


God gave Daniel very little detail about the Antichrist’s sexuality and was simply told that the Man of Sin would have no desire for women.

Even though he will be Jewish, he will not worship the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob; instead, he will worship the god of forces, which is Lucifer, and this is  precisely the same the god that the Kabbalists worship.

“And the king shall do according to his will; and he shall exalt himself, and magnify himself above every god, and shall speak marvellous things against the God of gods, and shall prosper till the indignation be accomplished: for that that is determined shall be done. Neither shall he regard the God of his fathers, nor the desire of women, nor regard any god: for he shall magnify himself above all. But in his estate shall he honour the God of forces: and a god whom his fathers knew not shall he honour with gold, and silver, and with precious stones, and pleasant things. Thus shall he do in the most strong holds with a strange god, whom he shall acknowledge and increase with glory: and he shall cause them to rule over many, and shall divide the land for gain.” (Dan. 11:36-39)

Jesus later provided more information that the Antichrist will be a Satanist and that Satan himself will give him the power to subdue the people on the earth. (Rev.13:1-4)

It is frightening to see how homosexuals started to come out of the closet in the 1950’s. They have been transformed from timid sissies into hard core political activists that are no longer ashamed and intimidated, but proud over their deviant lifestyle. They have achieved such political power in European countries, that any person who publicly speaks against homosexuality as a sin, will be prosecuted under the new “hate laws.” It is only a matter of time until this happens in the United States. What the Church has not understood is that what we are experiencing here is the power of the Antichrist spirit.


God gave Daniel a very encouraging prophetic word when it was revealed that Michael, the commander in chief of all angelic forces, will be sent to do battle for the believers in Christ during the Great Tribulation.

“And at that time shall Michael stand up, the great prince which standeth for the children of thy people: and there shall be a time of trouble, such as never was since there was a nation even to that same time: and at that time thy people shall be delivered, every one that shall be found written in the book.” (Dan. 12:1)

God told Daniel that at the end of time on earth, there will be trouble of such proprotions that the world has never seen something like this before. Jesus later confirmed this message: 

“For then shall be great tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be.” (Matt. 24:21)

Michael will be given orders to protect every believer in Christ whose name is written in the Book of Life.

We have two other references to what this mighty warrior angel has done. In the first instance, an angel was sent from God to give a message to Daniel but the demon prince over Persia had such power that this angel could not pass through the demonic defense lines and remained outside the earth’s atmosphere until Michael was sent with an expeditionary force that broke through Satan’s defense lines. (Dan. 10:11-13)

In the second instance, we know that Michael was in charge of the heavenly forces that defeated Lucifer, after he started a rebellion among the angels and set out to attack God. (Rev. 12:7-9) This tells us that God is serious about protecting His people toward the end of the Great Tribulation.


This was a powerful revelation that Daniel received from God. Not only were the believers going to be resurrected, but the ungodly were too. (Dan. 12:1-2)

Some 600 years later this was confirmed by Jesus, when the full fate of the believers and unbelievers was revealed. (Rev. 20:10-15)


During the Old Testament time, no believer had ever been baptized in the Holy Spirit. God’s people had received an anointing, but not the baptism. (John 7:37-39)

Daniel was told that those who were wise would shine and lead people to salvation. (Dan. 12:3)

Since the day of Pentecost, those baptized in the Holy Spirit have shined brightly. (Acts 2:1-1-47)


Daniel did not understand the revelation about the end times. He only got some glimpses and they were not necessarily in chronological order. Which begs the question, when was the revelation given to Daniel unsealed? The complete knowledge of the end times was given by Jesus about 90 A.D., when John was taken up into heaven and told how it all would end. (Dan. 12:4a)


God gives a significant revelation that knowledge will increase in the end time. (Dan. 12:4b) An examination of history will show that the civilization from the time of Daniel did not change much for the next 2,300 years. Food was grown and processed the same way with animals pulling plows and wagons. Ships were powered by the wind or by rowing. The only thing that changed was the way wars were fought. Guns and cannons were invented after men found out how do produce gunpowder.

The explosion of knowledge began with the invention of the printing press in the late 1400’s. In the 18th century man learned how to build steam engines, which made it possible to build railroads and steamships. Once man discovered electricity and how to use it in the early 1800’s, knowledge began to increase on an exponential curve. First came the telegraph, then the telephone, the combustion engine, the radio, the television, nuclear power, space flights and suddenly there was no stopping the technological development that encompassed everything on earth from warfare, medicine, farming, education and manufacturing.

In 1947 Satan used his demonic forces and their UFO’s to help mankind take a giant leap forward in knowledge when fiber optics, lasers, transistors, night vision, the circuit board and the microchip were handed to the human race. 

Suddenly, mechanical adding machines and typewriters were replaced by computers that constantly evolve, becoming faster and more powerful. The Internet gives any person knowledge on just about every subject known to mankind.

When you buy an electronic device today, experience has shown that it will be obsolete in just a few years. Look at the development of television sets when we went from the bulky black and white screens of the 1960’s to the sleek flat color  screens today.

This prophecy given to Daniel has been partially fulfilled, including the  travel of people. Millions of people travel by car, trains, boats and fly from one place to another on a daily basis compared to the time of Daniel  when few traveled outside their local areas.


Most likely you are reading this article because you are among the few elect on earth who have been given understanding about the Messiah, salvation in Jesus Christ and how the world is going to end. There are some eight billion people living on earth today and it is estimated that only 100 million people are born again. The Bible says everyone who is not born again is a wicked person and you can see the foolishness of people in the way they choose to live out their lives on earth. Praise God for our salvation and that we are able to know how the world is going to end and what the future holds for us.

The last verse in this the Book of Daniel is interesting because it tells about the final judgments of people. The judgment will be done according to the time and the generation you belonged to on earth. There will be groups of people, and the generation of Daniel that lived from around 650 B.C. to 550 B.C. will be judged, and then the next lot will come forth of the next hundred years in time, etc. (Dan. 12:13)


The apostle Paul never mentioned that  he had been in Judea and Jerusalem when Jesus was crucified. The first mention of Paul is at the sentencing and execution of Stephen. (Acts7:58)

Saul was confronted by Jesus and brought to his knees. (Acts 9:1-20) His knowledge of Christ and the Gospel came by revelation of the Holy Spirit, what the apostles and other eyewitnesses told him, and what he had done and taught. (Gal. 1:15-21)

Saul  which means “asked” in Hebrew, later changed his name to Paul, which means “little”, never read any of the four Gospels since they were not written when he was called into the ministry. He died before the destruction of Jerusalem and the temple in 70 A.D. and never saw the Book of Revelation come to fruition, since that was not given until around 90 A.D.

Thus, all the teaching and preaching Paul did was based upon the Old Testament and direct revelations from the Holy Spirit. He was given knowledge about the second coming of Christ and the resurrection of the dead. (1 Cor. 15:35-58; 1 Thess. 4:13-18; 5:1-9)

He told us that when the wrath of God is poured out on earth during the end times, it will not be directed toward Christians. (1 Thess. 5:9)

Paul is the only apostle that was given the revelation of the “catching away” of believers from the earth, commonly known as “The Rapture.” Once this teaching became known in the churches that Paul had established, people started to believe that this was an imminent event and they were waiting for it in such a way, that they did not plan their lives any more, since life on earth would be over very soon.

Paul realized that he could not set a date for this event, since he had not been told anything about timing of the catching away of the Christians. (Matt. 24:32-36; Acts1:4-7)

The Holy Spirit gave Paul a sign that people could look for in order to know when the time of the end was here. The sign was that the return of Jesus would not take place before the Man of Sin (Antichrist) becomes publicly known and has taken his position as a world ruler. During his reign on earth, he will eventually proclaim himself to be “god,” enter the temple in Jerusalem and sit on the throne in the holy of holies. Once this has taken place, there are no more events that precede the second coming of Jesus.

The early Christians looked at the temple in Jerusalem, not knowing that some 20 years later, it would be destroyed as predicted by Jesus (Matt. 24:1-2)

God’s Word cannot be broken and someday the Jews will erect a new temple in Jerusalem and restart the daily sacrifices. This will not be the temple of God, but a temple built in the flesh by Jews who reject Jesus Christ as their Messiah. The goal of the Zionist World Federation is to rebuild the temple and all Christian Zionists have been duped into believing this is somehow the work of God.

Thus, there are two thing that need to happen before we can expect the second  coming of Jesus and the catching away.
  1. The temple in Jerusalem will be rebuilt.
  2. The Antichrist will come to power, enter the newly rebuilt temple, and declare his godhood.
Why would God have the temple rebuilt in Jerusalem and reinstitute the daily sacrifices when Jesus became the final sacrifice for the sins of mankind? It would negate the suffering Jesus endured on the cross! (Hebrews 9:1-28)

“Now we beseech you, brethren, by the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, and by our gathering together unto him, That ye be not soon shaken in mind, or be troubled, neither by spirit, nor by word, nor by letter as from us, as that the day of Christ is at hand.

Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition;

Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, shewing himself that he is God.

Remember ye not, that, when I was yet with you, I told you these things? And now ye know what withholdeth that he might be revealed in his time. For the mystery of iniquity doth already work: only he who now letteth will let, until he be taken out of the way.

And then shall that Wicked be revealed, whom the Lord shall consume with the spirit of his mouth, and shall destroy with the brightness of his coming…” (2 Thess. 2:1-8)


Christian Zionists have been deceived into believing that all believers in Christ will be “raptured” before the Antichrist starts his reign on the earth. Jesus said the Man of Sin will deceive people, and if it were possible, he would even deceive the very elect.

“For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect.” (Matt. 24:24)

“Even him, whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders, And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved.

And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie: That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness.

But we are bound to give thanks alway to God for you, brethren beloved of the Lord, because God hath from the beginning chosen you to salvation through sanctification of the Spirit and belief of the truth…” (2 Thess. 2:9-13)

What deception was Paul talking about? When he gave this prophetic word, he did not know what the deception was and it was not revealed until later when Jesus provided the answer to the Apostle John:

“And I beheld another beast coming up out of the earth; and he had two horns like a lamb, and he spake as a dragon. And he exerciseth all the power of the first beast before him, and causeth the earth and them which dwell therein to worship the first beast, whose deadly wound was healed. And he doeth great wonders, so that he maketh fire come down from heaven on the earth in the sight of men, And deceiveth them that dwell on the earth by the means of those miracles which he had power to do in the sight of the beast; saying to them that dwell on the earth, that they should make an image to the beast, which had the wound by a sword, and did live. And he had power to give life unto the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak, and cause that as many as would not worship the image of the beast should be killed. And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.” (Rev. 13:11-17)

The deception is two-fold:
  1. To be led into the worship of the Antichrist as “god.”
  2. To receive the Mark of the Beast in your hand or forehead.


Jesus told us that the Antichrist would turn his anger toward Christians and persecute them vigorously. If the Church has been raptured, where on earth does the Antichrist find Christians to persecute?

“And there was given unto him a mouth speaking great things and blasphemies; and power was given unto him to continue forty and two months. And he opened his mouth in blasphemy against God, to blaspheme his name, and his tabernacle, and them that dwell in heaven. And it was given unto him to make war with the saints, and to overcome them: and power was given him over all kindreds, and tongues, and nations. And all that dwell upon the earth shall worship him, whose names are not written in the book of life of the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world. If any man have an ear, let him hear.” (Rev. 13:5-9)

If there  are no Christians left on the earth at this time, who is Jesus addressing in the following verses?

“Here is the patience of the saints: here are they that keep the commandments of God, and the faith of Jesus. And I heard a voice from heaven saying unto me, Write, Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord from henceforth: Yea, saith the Spirit, that they may rest from their labours; and their works do follow them.” (Rev. 14:12-13)

We can conclude in our study so far that there is no biblical teaching that Christians will be removed from the earth before the Antichrist takes control, on the contrary, we are told about resisting and not being deceived.


You can prepare for the end times by getting yourself mentally ready. In reading this article, you have been given information that cannot be refuted by the King James Bible.

“Then said Jesus to those Jews which believed on him, If ye continue in my word, then are ye my disciples indeed; And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.” (John 8:31-32)

By accepting truth presented you have been mentally prepared. Some years ago when I was able to get out of the mindset of Christian Zionism, I accepted the fact that I might have to live long enough to face the Antichrist and his diabolic system. I do not fear it and have come to the realization that I cannot change the future. I am simply going to trust Jesus all the way. 

Make sure that you are born again and not just a church member! Going to church won’t save anyone. You must have that born again experience. (John 3:1-8)

The reign of the Antichrist will span some 41 years and there is no way that Christians can stockpile supplies that will last that long. Our current society is built in such a way that people rely upon electricity from energy companies. Without electricity we won’t have refrigeration of food, lights, heat or air conditioning.

What if you purchase a generator and make your own electricity? That is fine as long as you have access to gasoline, diesel or the propane gas that fuels the generator. Once the Antichrist system has got the Mark of the Beast in place, you won’t be able to resupply yourself.

Since electricity will be scarce, you can only store food that it is either canned or dry. But where will you get your water from?

You can make the decision to get out into the woods with four wheel drive vehicles but they will only run as long as you have fuel for them.

You  can try to live off the land like the people did when they first come out to the West in the early 1800’s by hunting, but can you do it without a firearm? What happens when you run out of ammunition, your shoes break down and your clothing becomes tattered?

Life  will get tougher and tougher and soon you will run out of options. You haven’t had toothpaste and soap in a long time and you can only take a bath in the summer time in a creek or lake. Winter is worst of all, because if you start a fire, you might be detected by the security forces, and if you don’t have a fire, you might freeze to death. As you can see, there aren’t many options if you try to work solely in the flesh without God.


If you look back at history on the different empires and dictatorships, no regime took control overnight. There are several things that must happen first.

The Antichrist will force all nations to give up their sovereignty and be merged into a world federation. That will take time. If Americans arm themselves and are willing to become  organized and fight globalization, we can delay the destruction of the United States.

It is prudent to stockpile emergency food supplies. As Christians, we should network and those living in the cities should make plans to move out of the cities to the country and stay with believers who own property. The takeover of the United States might take several years of civil war and we can live in some type of Christian communes during these times. The important thing is not to forget the Great Commission and share Christ with unbelievers at all times.

Once the Mark of the Beast is in place, our shopping days are over and the only way to survive is to barter with other believers. Try to stock up on seeds that you can use to grow food as long as possible. Eventually you will lose your property since you won’t be able to pay property taxes without the Mark of the Beast, nor will you be able to make a payment on the mortgage. You also won’t be able to hold a job since that requires the Mark of the Beast as well.

Christians will have to fall back completely on God to supply us supernaturally, just like He did with the children of Israel in the wilderness and with the prophet Elijah. (1 Kings 17:1-16)

If you have not surrendered to God at this point in your life, this is the time to do it. If God wants to keep you alive on this earth, He will make it possible. If not, you will confidently succumb to death, knowing that being absent from the body is to be present with the Lord. (2 Cor. 5:6-10)

I am sure that there will be pressure on you to just give up and go into the city and take the Mark of the Beast. Husbands, you are the leader of the family. Your wife will beg you to reconsider the children and not let them continue to suffer. Make sure you are walking close with the Lord because your family will depend upon you.


As Christians the Bible makes it clear about our security in Christ but there is one thing that I cannot stress enough, you are headed for the Lake of Fire if you take the Mark of the Beast! You can never repent of this act! If you take the Mark for any reason, it will cost you your salvation and earn you a place in the Lake of Fire where the torment will never end!   

“And there followed another angel, saying, Babylon is fallen, is fallen, that great city, because she made all nations drink of the wine of the wrath of her fornication.

And the third angel followed them, saying with a loud voice, If any man worship the beast and his image, and receive his mark in his forehead, or in his hand, The same shall drink of the wine of the wrath of God, which is poured out without mixture into the cup of his indignation; and he shall be tormented with fire and brimstone in the presence of the holy angels, and in the presence of the Lamb:

And the smoke of their torment ascendeth up for ever and ever: and they have no rest day nor night, who worship the beast and his image, and whosoever receiveth the mark of his name.

Here is the patience of the saints: here are they that keep the commandments of God, and the faith of Jesus. And I heard a voice from heaven saying unto me, Write, Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord from henceforth: Yea, saith the Spirit, that they may rest from their labours; and their works do follow them.” (Rev. 14:8-13)

Remember, you will never be forced or coerced to take the Mark of the Beast. It will solely be your choice because it is a voluntary act of worship that Satan craves. It is better to die of hunger or freeze to death and go to heaven, than to eat well and live for a short while longer by taking the Mark of the Beast. The men and women who gave their allegiance and worked for Adolf Hitler had food and shelter during the Nazi regime, but when Nazi Germany  was defeated, they lost it all. If you do not prepare for the end times, at least be mentally prepared not to take the Mark regardless of how bad it gets. I cannot stress it enough that taking the Mark is an act that will never be forgiven by God and you will spend eternity in the Lake of Fire!

“For I testify unto every man that heareth the words of the prophecy of this book, If any man shall add unto these things, God shall add unto him the plagues that are written in this book: And if any man shall take away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part out of the book of life, and out of the holy city, and from the things which are written in this book. He which testifieth these things saith, Surely I come quickly. Amen. Even so, come, Lord Jesus. The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all. Amen.” (Rev. 22:18-21)


This is not an uplifting article, but it might just save your soul so that you have eternal life in heaven. While we still have freedom, food and jobs, let us use every moment to invest in the kingdom of God.
  • He who wins souls is wise. (Prov. 11:30)
  • Let us lay up treasures in heaven. (Matt.6:19-21)
  • Let us not worry about tomorrow. (Matt.6:25-34)
  • Let us do the work of Jesus. (Luke 10:1-2)
  • Work while there is still day. (John 9:4)
  • Tithe while you still have money. (Malachi 3:6-12)
  • Pray and fast for the light to break forth. (Isaiah 58:6-9)

God has given you a limited amount of time on earth. If you die before the Antichrist comes to power, you are still going to leave all your earthly possessions behind and there is nothing you will be able to take with you except what you invested in the kingdom of God.

Volume 16, Issue 2

Monday, 24 March 2014


Resurrection Life of Jesus Church

RLJ-1436 JOHN S. TORELL MARCH 23, 2014



God has given mankind a free will and is still there after a person is born again and sealed by the Holy Spirit. In the time after Pentecost, every believer in Christ wanted to be possessed by the Holy Spirit. Acts 2:38-43

The power of the Gospel was slowly lost as there were few born again Christians from around 300-1500 A.D. Most people were under the control of the Roman Catholic Church, the Greek Orthodox Church, the Russian Orthodox Church and the other remnant churches in the Middle East, Southern India and Ethiopia were Christian only in name. They had church memberships but no one was born again.


The first truth of the Gospel to be restored was salvation by faith in Jesus Christ. Martin Luther brought back the truth in 1517 that a man must be born again and has nothing to do with church membership. John 3:3-8; Ephesians 2:8-10

This caused a furious response from the Devil as he used all the power he could muster in the organized apostate churches to persecute anyone who dared to preach that a man must be born again. Millions of born again Christians were murdered from that year until the killing slowed down in Europe some 300 years later.


As God used Martin Luther to shatter the monopoly that the Roman Catholic church held for more than 1,200 years, the Holy Spirit began to move among what was known as Protestants or Lutherans and awakened them to the second truth that a born again believer in Christ needs to be baptized in water through immersion. Infant baptism is not biblical. Matthew 28:19-20; Romans 6:1-4

It was strange when Roman Catholics and Protestants joined forces to persecute the newcomers on the block, who became known as Anabaptists. They were hanged, burned at the stake and strangled. The favorite method of killing them was to have men, women and children shackled with chains and weights and taken out on a lake and cast overboard. The weight of the first person would drag the next person over the boat until the whole group had been dragged into the water.The persecution tapered off by the late 19th century as thousands of believers in Christ joined the Baptist movement and the Lutherans learned to tolerate the Baptists but did not like them.


In 1722 Count Nikolaus Zinzendorf purchased a large estate in Saxony, Germany and invited persecuted Christians to come and settle on his property. It was here that the Holy Spirit moved and the third truth of the Gospel was restored, the baptism of the Holy Spirit. This was not well received by Protestants, Catholics and Baptists. The result of the baptism of the Holy Spirit among the Moravians, as they became known, resulted in an intensive missionary outreach. John Wesley encountered Moravian missionaries during his return from the American colony of Georgia in 1737. Not only did Wesley learn that he needed to be born again, he also learned of the baptism of the Holy Spirit.

When he attended a Moravian meeting in London, Wesley was convicted by the Holy Spirit of his sins and prayed to be saved and born again. This transformed him, and shortly after his conversion to Christ, he left for Germany and stayed at the Moravian home base and returned to England in September of 1738. He had received the baptism of the Holy Spirit while in Germany and this was the necessary fire to get the Methodist revival going that would sweep over many nations. Acts 1:4-8


Several prominent ministers and missionaries were baptized in the Holy Spirit about 100 years later like Charles Finney and D.L. Moody, Hudson Taylor (founder of China Inland Mission), Charles T. Studd, who first served in China under Hudson Taylor and then later founded the Heart of Africa Mission. Thousands of young men and women who worked under these men were baptized in the Holy Spirit and continued to spread the fire wherever they went.


Up to 1900, the interest in the baptism of the Holy Spirit had created a holiness movement in the United States which emphasized divine healing. A young preacher by the name of Charles F. Parham (1873-1929) had pastored a Methodist Church from 1893-1895. Pursuing divine healing and the baptism of the Holy Spirit, he left the Methodist church and started Bethel Healing Home in 1898 with his wife. For the next few years he ministered in Topeka, traveled and spoke at a number of holiness centers in the United States. In 1900 he returned home and enlarged the ministry by adding a Bible school with the express purpose of teaching the baptism of the Holy Spirit.

On January 1, 1901 the power of the Holy Spirit came down on a student named Agnes Ozman, who began to speak in tongues just like on the day of Pentecost. In a few days Parham and all his students had been baptized in the Holy Spirit and a new Pentecostal movement had been born.

Parham thought that the breakthrough had finally come for the restoration of the baptism of the Holy Spirit. He named this fresh move of God for Apostolic Faith Movement (AFM) with the goal to start AFM churches and fan the fire.

However, just four months later, Satan squashed the move of God through negative newspaper articles and few people were being baptized in the Holy Spirit. When Parham thought all had been lost, the Holy Spirit fire fell again two years later at a revival meeting in the mining town of Galena, Kansas in 1903.

People flocked to the meetings to hear about salvation, the baptism of the Holy Spirit and divine healing. The fire did not take off among the educated church goers but hard working miners and their family received it with joy as thousands were saved and filled with the Holy Spirit.

The newspapers in the small mining towns around Galena featured large write-ups on the many healings that people experienced as Parham and his people received public recognition that God was at work.


God led Parham to the Houston area in Texas in 1905 to preach and plant AFM churches as many of the newly baptized people fanned out to do missionary work.

He opened a Bible school in Houston, where students enrolled in a ten week training period. If they were not already baptized in the Holy Spirit, they were sure to be when the ten weeks were up. One of the men that attended was the black holiness evangelist William J. Seymour (1870-1922).


Just like in the Book of Acts, the believers that had been baptized in the Holy Spirit were called by God to start traveling to different parts of the United States. On February 22, 1906 William Seymour arrived in Los Angeles and was asked to pastor a small storefront mission. He preached the first Sunday morning sermon on the baptism of the Holy Spirit but the church rejected the message and fired him that afternoon.

He didn’t have any money to travel back to Texas and was forced to continue living with the church family that had given him room and board. They allowed him to hold Bible studies in their home. People would come and go and this continued until April 9, 1906 when Seymour had a private prayer meeting with Edward Lee, the man in whose home he was living. Lee had a vision of meeting with Jesus’ apostles and they showed him how to pray in tongues. As they were praying, the fire of the Holy Spirit fell on Lee and he began to speak in tongues.

After their prayer time, Seymour went to an evening meeting at another home in the area and shared the news that the Holy Spirit had fallen on Lee. As the small group listened, the Holy Spirit suddenly fell upon them and they all began to speak in tongues. Just like on the day of Pentecost, the news spread like wildfire and people started to show up and ask for prayer.

Within a week the numbers of believers baptized in the Holy Spirit had grown so that Seymour and his leaders rented a rundown house at 313 Azusa Street, which for the next seven years would draw preachers, evangelists, men and women from all over North America and Europe who wanted to be baptized in the Holy Spirit.

With the healing and the fire of the Holy Spirit, the news began to spread and the Los Angeles Times sent a reporter to a meeting. He wrote a negative report but it backfired on the paper and droves of people started to come. As a result, some of the churches in the area opened their doors and the revival flames were burning so hot that the Devil could not extinguish them. The Holy Ghost baptism had once again been restored to the church of Jesus Christ.


Thomas Barratt (1862-1940) was a Norwegian Methodist/Episcopal pastor who had heard of the revival in Los Angeles and came for a visit in 1906. When he came back to Oslo, Norway, it didn’t take long for the people in his church to receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit. Lewi Petrus (1884 1974) was a young Swedish Baptist pastor who heard of the revival in Oslo in 1907 and decided to find out what it was all about. The result was that he was baptized in the Holy Spirit and it didn’t take long before the entire Baptist congregation in Lidkoping also experienced the baptism of the Holy Spirit and was speaking in tongues.

The result was that scores of Swedish Baptist pastors traveled to Lidkoping, received the baptism of the Holy Spirit and turned their Baptist churches into Pentecostal churches.

Hundreds of Spirit filled believers from Norway and Sweden took the Pentecostal message to Finland, Russia, Germany and many other nations in Europe. Ministers from England traveled to Los Angeles, and brought the Holy Spirit fire back home with them. The single event that started with a woman in Topeka, Kansas had spread throughout the world; over time the Pentecostal message spread into India, China, Africa, Australia and every part of the British Commonwealth.

In the United States a number of Pentecostal denominations were born; among them were the Assemblies of God in 1914 and the International Church of Four Square Gospel in 1923.


When the Devil realized that he could not stop the baptism of the Holy Spirit, he fell back on his old weapon, “If you can’t beat them, join them.” Matthew 13:24-30

The United Pentecostal Church International (UPC), also known as an “oneness church,” is a denomination that evolved in 1945 when two denominations merged into one. This was the merger of the Pentecostal Church Incorporated and the Pentecostal Assemblies of Jesus Christ. Prior to this merger, there had been earlier mergers of different groups dating back to Azusa Street in 1906.

The UPC churches will not baptize converts in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, but only in the name of Jesus. They also teach that you are not saved if you do not speak in tongues. Now, in order to stay saved, a person must live a holy life and adhere to a number of man-made rules.

Women must be wear dresses, abstain from make-up and jewelry, cannot cut their hair, etc. Men cannot use alcohol, tobacco or any other paraphernalia. Young men and women must abstain from any public display of affection. Breaking any of these rules will send a church member to hell.

Today there are altogether more than 700 Pentecostal denominations and thousands of independent Pentecostal churches. In 2002 it was estimated that the Pentecostal movement in the world had some 279 million members.

The Charismatic movement from the 1960s was a blessing but it also brought in some wild manifestations as seen at the Toronto Vineyard Church in Canada, the wild barking and laughing and incoherent behavior at the Brownsville revival in Florida, and the horrible manifestations of Kenneth Hagin and Kenneth Copeland and their followers.


There is no doubt that God moved upon Martin Luther, the Anabaptists, John Wesley, Charles Finney, D.L. Moody, Charles Parham and William Seymour.

What went wrong with the Pentecostal movement? They deviated from the Bible and added man-made doctrine. Many church leaders in the Evangelical and Pentecostal churches had no formal theological training, no knowledge of Biblical history or the early church customs that came out of Israel.

They superimposed American culture upon the Scriptures and came up with horribly wrong theological conclusions that are now firmly entrenched in the denominations:
  • Jesus was crucified on a Friday.
  • A Hebrew wedding was paid for by the father of the groom, not the father of the bride.
  • Not understanding the difference between the Moral Law, Practical Law and the Sacrificial Law.
  • Teaching that a person is saved by grace but he is kept saved by his good works and holy living.
  • It was the same crowd on Palm Sunday that hailed Jesus as the Messiah and came back on the day of his arrest and cried to have him crucified.


If you want to be a true follower of Jesus, you must believe and practice the following:
  1. Salvation is by grace, not by works. Ephesians 2:8-10
  2. Every believer in Christ should be baptized as a believer, not including infants, in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost. Matthew 28:18-20
  3. Every believer in Christ should be baptized in the Holy Spirit. Acts 2:4-8
  4. When there is a need, a believer in Christ should be able to cast out demons from people who are demonized. Luke 9:1-2
  5. When there is a need, pray for the sick. Luke 10:1-2; 9
  6. Share the Gospel at every opportunity. Matthew 28:18-20
  7. Forgive those who have hurt you. Matthew 6:14-15
  8. Live a holy life. 1 Peter 1:14-16
Remember, it’s not so important how you begin your life after salvation, but how you finish it!

Do you have an ear to hear with?

Saturday, 15 March 2014

Ligonier Academy (February 2014)

In his Institutes (I.13.17), John Calvin said he delighted in this passage from Gregory Nazianzus (329-390) on the Holy Trinity:
“This I give you to share, and to defend all your life, the One Godhead and Power, found in the Three in Unity, and comprising the Three separately, not unequal, in substances or natures, neither increased nor diminished by superiorities or inferiorities; in every respect equal, in every respect the same; just as the beauty and the greatness of the heavens is one; the infinite conjunction of Three Infinite Ones, Each God when considered in Himself; as the Father so the Son, as the Son so the Holy Ghost; the Three One God when contemplated together; Each God because Consubstantial; One God because of the Monarchia. No sooner do I conceive of the One than I am illumined by the Splendor of the Three; no sooner do I distinguish Them than I am carried back to the One. When I think of any One of the Three I think of Him as the Whole, and my eyes are filled, and the greater part of what I am thinking of escapes me. I cannot grasp the greatness of that One so as to attribute a greater greatness to the Rest. When I contemplate the Three together, I see but one torch, and cannot divide or measure out the Undivided Light” (Gregory Nazianzus--Oration on Holy Baptism, §41).

When God says something, the argument is over. —R.C. Sproul — with MrCharles Hogue.

Coram Deo (February 2014)

"In every marriage is an issue, a belief, a habit, a heart idolatry—indeed, many of them—that can lead easily and naturally to the complete destruction of the union. The world, the flesh, and the devil are all committed to the destruction of marriage, and each of those enemies brings its own evil seeds. The question is not whether those seeds are or will be present in a marriage, but what we will do with them." —Tim Challies from his weekend devotional "The Seed of Divorce" in this month's Tabletalk Magazine

"If preachers do not preach sin, wrath, death, and hell, their supposed preaching of the gospel is practically useless. If they do not preach what we’re saved from, then their message of what we’re saved to is worthless." —Burk Parsons from "Real Love Wins" in this month's issue of Tabletalk Magazine

"A true faith in Jesus Christ will not suffer us to be idle. No, it is an active, lively, restless principle; it fills the heart, so that it cannot be easy till it is doing something for Jesus Christ." —George Whitefield

"Man’s failure to give to God 'the glory due his name' (ps. 29:2) is an infinite evil deserving infinite punishment, and as in hell there is no opportunity or inclination to repent, God’s justice requires that it go on forever." —John Blanchard from "Hell on Trial" in this month's issue of Tabletalk Magazine

Coram Deo: The Bible is clear that until we are glorified, we will always fail at some level to practice what we preach. Non-Christians will take advantage of this and always use our failures as cause to blaspheme the Lord, and there is not much we can do about it. However, if we are open about our failures and are careful to never promise sinlessness in this life, we can render their criticisms wholly illegitimate. Christians are not free of hypocrisy, but we should be free of impenitent hypocrisy.

"The created world travels towards its destination, towards its consummation, when it will reveal the glory of God even more marvelously than at its beginning. The beginning had only one man and one woman in a garden. The end has a multitude of humanity in a city." —Vern Poythress from "The Reversal of the Curse" in the March 2004 issue of Tabletalk Magazine

Coram Deo: Most of us are unlikely to think that we will automatically make it to heaven if we have been circumcised. However, professing Christians are prone to think they are right before God because they go to church, and they might believe that their children are guaranteed a place in heaven as long as they are raised in a Christian home. We cannot trust in any of these things. None of us is saved unless personal trust in Christ resides in our hearts.

"The Great Commission is not only to teach people God’s commands, but to teach them to 'observe' or 'obey' all that He commanded. There is a world of difference between teaching someone everything the Lord commanded and teaching them to obey everything " —Brad Waller from "Discipling Every Age" in this month's Tabletalk Magazine

"The future punishment of the wicked is a significant theme in Scripture. Jesus teaches it, and so does every New Testament author. This punishment is deserved, consists of suffering, and is eternal." —Christopher W. Morgan from "The Biblical Evidence for Hell" in this month's issue of Tabletalk Magazine

"In the day you entered into a covenant with God, and he with you, you entered into the most impregnable rock and fortress, and covered yourself in a castle of defence, where you may (modestly) defy all adverse powers of earth or hell." —Richard Baxter

"The Bible’s story does not end by saying, 'and in the end all persons will be gathered into the love of God and be saved.' Rather, when God brings His story to a close, His people rejoice in endless bliss with Him on the new earth. But the wicked will endure never-ending torment in the lake of fire and be shut out of the Holy City." —Robert A. Peterson from "Annihilation or Eternal Punishment?" in this month's issue of Tabletalk Magazine

Coram Deo: Do you belong to the Lord Jesus Christ as one of His sheep, or are you counted among the goats who serve another master? If you trust in Jesus alone, then you can be sure that He will receive you into the bliss of His eternal kingdom at your death. But if you do not believe in Christ, your reward will be eternal destruction. Today may be the last opportunity you have to trust Jesus, so do not delay in bowing to Him as Lord.

"Traditionally, the aged have been protected, revered, and prized as a society’s most cherished citizens. However, to our great shame, such cannot be said for most societies today." —Burk Parsons from "Ancient Wisdom" in the February 2007 issue of Tabletalk Magazine

"To understand the identity of Jesus, we can do no better than to read, digest, memorize, and believe with all our hearts the answer to the question concerning the identity of Jesus as found in the Westminster Shorter Catechism (a. 21). In that very condensed yet biblically grounded answer, we are informed that 'the only Redeemer of God’s elect is the Lord Jesus Christ, who, being the eternal son of God, became man, and so was, and continues to be, God and man in two distinct natures, and one person, forever.” —Albert Martin from his weekend devotional "The Unique Person of Jesus" in this month's issue of Tabletalk Magazine

Coram Deo: At the root of all sin is the arrogant attempt of creatures to judge their Creator, to believe that we know better than He does and to go our own way or to deny what He has said about Himself. True faith believes what the Lord has revealed about Himself and seeks to please Him in all things. If we find ourselves questioning fundamental truths about God—such as the fact that He is perfectly just—let us repent immediately for such blasphemous thinking.

Just imagine for a moment a single-person god. Having been alone for eternity, would it want fellowship with us? It seems most unlikely. Would it even know what fellowship was? Almost certainly not." —Michael Reeves from "Delighting in the Trinity" from this month's issue of Tabletalk Magazine

Coram Deo: To be under sin is to have sin as one’s master and to suffer under the verdict of guilt before the bar of God’s justice. Christians have Christ as their master and have been pronounced righteous in Him, so we are not “under sin” in the same way that a non-christian is. However, sin’s influence does remain until we see the Lord face-to-face, and we should never underestimate it. Through daily repentance we can mortify this sin by the Holy Spirit and become more like our Savior.

"Preachers must not shrink away from proclaiming the righteous anger of God toward hell-deserving sinners. God has fixed a day in which He will judge the world in righteousness (Acts 17:31). That day is looming on the horizon." —Steven Lawson from "Preaching the Wrath of God" in this month's issue of Tabletalk Magazine

"As Christians, we may be required to tolerate ungodly behavior, but the moment we begin to endorse it, we too become suppressors of the truth. You cannot love your neighbor and want to see them excluded from the kingdom of Christ (eph. 5:5)." —Joe Carter from "Defining Marriage" in this month's issue of Tabletalk Magazine

"Do you live by faith? What were your thoughts this morning? What was your heart's nourishment? Were entertainment and food of greater joy than your heavenly meditation? Have you spent half an hour, or 15 minutes in exercising your faith? Recover yourself before you go to your heavenly home." —Samuel Ward

"What do we expect from preaching? Do we crave cute stories about ourselves, or a gripping encounter with the glory of God and His all-sufficient gospel? Do we want to hear stories about the preacher or the story of the One who sent him to proclaim God’s glory? The more we come to church longing to catch a glimpse of the glory of God, the better our response will be to the preaching of God’s glorious Word." —Eric Watkins from his weekend devotional "The Glory of Preaching" in this month's Tabletalk Magazine

As the only man who never sinned (1 Peter 2:22), Jesus is the supreme example of what it means to be a man, and all men would do well to live after the pattern of His life, relying upon the power of the Holy Spirit to have Scripture define godly masculinity. Men are well-served by developing close relationships with other men in their congregations, and wives should be doing all they can to support this so that their husbands might learn from other godly men.

Coram Deo: Proclaiming that no human being in Adam—including the most outwardly pious—has the fear of the Lord before his eyes is unlikely to win us any more friends than it did the Apostle Paul and the other early Christians. That does not mean we should shy away from this proclamation. And we should expect it to find a hearing among some, for no matter how much they deny it, all people know that they have not feared the Lord as they ought.

Coram Deo: Dr. R.C. Sproul writes in his commentary on Romans: “If we are paying attention to the law, we know it will not justify us. We know we will never be able to get into heaven on the basis of our works, because the law reveals to us our infirmities.” The question for us is whether we really believe that no work of ours is good enough to save us. If we do not believe that, we do not believe the gospel.

"The person not reconciled to God in Christ and living in disobedience does not want Scripture’s claim that God has a full and final claim on his life to be true. He wants to get rid of the book as fast as he can." —R.C. Sproul from "The Spirit's Internal Witness" in this month's Tabletalk Magazine

Hell’s primary purpose is to punish sinners. While that does not apply to believers, there are still at least two reasons to study the doctrine. First, the better we grasp the horrors of hell the more we appreciate God’s grace. Second, such an understanding should motivate us to seek the lost. Make that a priority in your life.

"We live in a culture where death is looked upon as an option to be delayed. Exercise, diets, surgeries, cosmetics, and Photoshop are the tools of our trade by which we avert our eyes from the truth that we are dying." —R.C. Sproul Jr. from "What Are You Worried About?" from the February 2014 issue of Tabletalk Magazine