Monday, 27 February 2017


By George Fox

From Christ Jesus, who has all power in heaven and earth given unto him; set above Artaxerxes, and Nebuchadnezzar's law and commands; and above the Medes and Persians, and Darius's decrees; being a plain and full testimony against persecutions for tender consciences sake.

Christ Jesus said, “all power in heaven and earth is given unto me.” Mat 28:18. When Christ sent messengers into a village of the Samaritans, to make ready for him, and they did not receive him; and when his disciples James and John saw this, they said, “Lord, will you that we command fire to come down from heaven, and consume them, as Elias did?” Mark, how Christ uses his power to his disciples, who were deserving of rebuke; Christ turned himself about and rebuked them, and said, “you know not what manner of spirit you are of.” Here he lays and stops the revenge which was in his disciples against those that would not receive him, and told them, they did not know what spirit they were of: now, if his disciples did not know what spirit they were of, and were under the rebuke, that would have fire to come down from heaven to consume them that would not receive Christ; how does all Christendom know what manner of spirits they are of, which has imprisoned, banished, and put to death so many about religion? Are they not all under the rebuke of Christ, and not knowing their own spirits? For Christ, who has all power in heaven and earth, said, that the rebuke is to such, whose actions are done out of his power, “that the son of man has not come to destroy men's lives, but to save them.” Now, [mark,] then it follows, those who destroy men's lives (and not save them), about religion, do not have the mind of Christ, neither do they act as from his power, “who has all power in heaven and earth committed to him.”

Also, in Mat 13:24-30, where you may see Christ, who has all power in heaven and earth, uses his power upon the forward servants, that would be plucking up tares, which was not their places, but the angels.' Christ's own words are as follows, in his parable, “The kingdom of heaven is like unto a man that sowed good seed in his field; but while men slept, the enemy came and sowed tares among the wheat, and went his way: (mark, the tares are sowed while men sleep;) when the blade sprang up, and brought forth fruit, then appeared the tares also: so the servants of the householder came, and said unto him, sir, did not you sow good seed in your field? from whence then has it its tares? He said unto them, an enemy has done it; the servant said unto him, would you have us go and pluck them up? But he said, no; for fear that while you attempt to pluck up the tares, you root up the wheat with them.” Here Christ is a judge in matters of religion, who has all power in heaven given unto him; for you may see here that he does not give these forward servants a warrant to pluck up the tares, for fear that they should pluck up the wheat also; but stops them with these words, saying, “let both grow until the harvest; and in the time of harvest I will say to the reapers, gather you first the tares, and bundle them in bundles to burn them; and gather the wheat into my barn.”

Here Christ stops these forward servants. Christ foresaw the time that men would sleep, and then the enemy would come, and sow his tares; and he also saw that many would be plucking up, which was not their places, and had no commission, nor has any commission from him to this day; and these he stops.

And in Mat 13:26-42, where the disciples came unto Christ, saying, “declare unto us the parable of the tares of the field;” Jesus answered, and said unto them, “the son of man is he that sows the good seed; the field is the world, and the good seed is the children of the kingdom; but the tares are the children of the wicked one; the enemy that sows them is the devil; the harvest is the end of the world; and the reapers are the angels; and the tares are gathered to be burned in the fire. So shall it be in the end of this world, the son of man shall send forth his angels, and they shall gather out of all kingdoms all them that offend, and that do iniquity.” Now mark, may not Christ, (who has all power in heaven and earth), by the power of his word stop all forward persecutors in the world, (which is called the field), where the good and the bad seeds are sown. For, does not he say, “the tares and the wheat must grow until the harvest, and that is the end of the world.” Do not those that would be reaping and gathering before the end of the world, busy themselves, and oppose Christ in his command and power? For seeing Christ said, “He will send forth his angels;” and when, before the harvest? No; or before the end of the world? No; and his angels are his reapers, and so it is not men in the middle of the world, that must be the reapers, and the gatherers of the tares; but it is Christ's angels. When then is the time of reaping? The time of harvest, which is the end of the world; and who are the reapers? The angels. So then it is the angels' work, and not men's. So here it is plain that Christ is the judge in matters of religion, between tares and wheat, who sends forth his angels. For Christ commands men to “love one another,” and to “love enemies.” So those who do not love one another, nor enemies, do not obey the commands of Christ, who has all power in heaven and earth given unto him. For this is his royal command, “love one another;” by this you are known to be the disciples of Christ Jesus. This is the command that Christ Jesus gave unto men and women, who has all power in heaven and earth, that men should love one another, and enemies; and the angels should be reapers. Christ said, “love your enemies, do good to them that hate you, bless them that curse you, pray for them that despitefully use you, and persecute you,” for Christ saw that there would be haters of his seed, and cursers, and despiteful users of it, and persecutors of it, who would be plucking up the wheat believing them tares, and who had no such command from Christ.

Christ said, (John 15:12,17), who has all power in heaven and earth given to him; “this is my commandment, that you love one another, as I loved you.” So, has not Christendom cast this commandment of his behind their backs? Have they loved one another, or observed the commandment of him that has all power? Instead of this, they have persecuted one another; and so cast away the command of Jesus, as the Jews did the law of God, and not walk in it; for herein said Christ, “My Father is glorified, when you bear much fruit; as the Father loved me, so have I loved you; so continue in my love:” so christians not continuing in the love of Christ, with which he has loved them, they cannot bring forth fruits, so they cannot glorify Christ, nor the Father; “for if you keep my commandments you abide in my love, even as I have kept my Father's commandment, and abide in his love.” So here christians may see, those who abide not in the love, but in the enmity, they have not kept the commands of Christ: “and you are my friends if you do whatsoever I command you; and this is my commandment, that you love one another, as I loved you;” and so it is plain, that these called christians, that love not one another, are no friends to Christ Jesus, neither regard his power, nor doctrine.

Mark Christ's words further, where he said, “remember the words I said unto you, the servant is not greater than his lord, if they have persecuted me, they will also persecute you; if they have kept my sayings, they will keep yours also.” But now, christians, you that persecute, are out of Christ's mind, and power, and command, who said, “love enemies,” and “love one another;” and so, those who persecute have neither kept the sayings of Christ, nor the sayings of the apostles. So all you that profess yourselves to be christians, and claim Christ Jesus, and that God has sent him, you are not to persecute one another, nor enemies; but the command of Christ (to whom all power in heaven and earth is given), is to you, to “love one another,” for that edifies the body, and overcomes the evil. That is the law of love that is to be among christians. This is the royal law from he, who has all power, is King of kings, and Lord of lords. This love bears all things, endures all things, hopes all things, is not provoked; for that which is provoked will run into words and actions, enmity and persecution, malice and hatred, which are the works of the flesh, which are judged all down by the law of love. So by keeping the law of love, you keep down that which would be provoked. So love overcomes the enmity, and the light overcomes the darkness, and the righteousness overcomes the unrighteousness, as life overcomes death and the power of it, and so good overcomes evil. Where is this universal life, and universal love among you christians, whereby you might come out of your narrow angry spirit, into a loving and universal spirit?

And Christ taught his christian disciples to pray, who has all power in heaven and earth given to him, which is a common prayer to all Christendom, for all can say it, and said it in words; “forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors; for if you forgive men their trespasses, your heavenly father will also forgive you; but if you do not forgive men their trespasses, neither will your father forgive you your trespasses:” and this prayer differed from the Pharisees, who stood praying in the synagogues, and did not forgive, as christians now, who say this common prayer of Christ, to God the Father, forgive us, as we do forgive them that trespass against us; and that is, they ask no forgiveness at all for themselves, if they do not forgive. Oh, that they would come to that by which they might see their blindness, and the chain that they are under. For if christians do transgress and trespass one against another in their religions and worships; the papists against the common prayer, and the common prayer against the papist, they must forgive one another; and the Presbyterian, Baptist, Independent, Lutherans, Calvinists, do not you all profess Christ, and God that sent him? do you not all say Christ's common prayer? and have you not trespassed one against another in matters of religion, and worship, and church? then must you not all forgive one another, according to Christ's prayer, who has all power in heaven, and if you ask the Lord to be forgiven, as you do forgive, and you do not forgive, then you ask for no forgiveness; for mark your words, you ask to forgive us, as we do forgive them that trespass against us; so, mark the word [as,] as you forgive, so you would be forgiven, and no otherwise: and so as you do persecute, and cast into prison, and banish one another called christians, and keep the debts in your books; think you not that your debts stand in God's book; and that he will banish you from the land of the living, and cast you into everlasting imprisonment, from the presence of God and his angels, as you may read the dreadful sentence in Matthew 25:31-46, wherein Christ said to them that are the goats, on the left hand; (they are on the left hand, and not on the right hand; for it is the sheep are on the right hand), “depart from me you cursed, into everlasting fire, prepared for the devil and his angels: for I was an hungry, and you gave me no meat; I was thirsty, and you gave me no drink;” [mark,] these were they on the left hand, whether they are called christians, or whatever. Those on the left hand are forwarder to take meat and drink from Christ, and his little ones, than to give it them; and to cast them into prison until death, for their bellies; but those are such as the apostle speaks of, “that serve not the Lord Jesus Christ, but their own bellies.” And Christ further said, “I was a stranger, and you took me not in; and naked and you clothed me not: sick, and in prison, and you visited me not.” And they on the left hand shall answer and say unto Christ, “when saw we you hungry, or thirsty, or a stranger, or naked, sick, or in prison, and did we not minister to you?” Listen to Christ's answer to them; “in-as-much as you did not do it to one of the least of these, you did not do it to me.” Therefore, hear the sentence by him, who has all power in heaven and earth, to them on the left hand which are the goats: “go away into everlasting punishment; but the righteous into life eternal.” Now they on the left hand, whether they are called christians, or whatever, they are more likely to make men strangers, than to take in strangers, who banish them from their wives and families, and native land; and more likely to make naked and make sick, than to clothe, and to visit; and to imprison, than to visit in prison; and those who do so, press the seed of God in themselves, from where the love of God flows. Such men do that which they should not do; for they should love one another; and it is the angels' work to reap at the harvest, which is the end of the world, and not men's. Only Christ is to judge in matters of religion. So he judges, as you may see by the parable of the talents, in which those that had improved their talent had their reward; but he that did not improve his talent was an unprofitable servant, “to be cast into utter darkness, where shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth.” And you that say, when shall this occur? The answer is: “when the son of man shall come in his glory, and all the holy angels with him; then shall he sit upon the throne of his glory, and before him shall be gathered all nations; and he shall separate one from the other, as a shepherd divides the sheep from the goats; and he shall set the sheep on his right hand, and the goats on the left hand.” So here it is plainly seen that Christ is the only judge in matters of religion, and in dividing sheep from goats. So it is not man, in his own dark reason, that cast the law of Christ Jesus behind his back, (which is, “to love one another,”) which ought to be his rule, for Christ is to be judge in matters of religion.

As Christ said, who has all power in heaven and earth, “blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth;” then those who are not meek do not inherit this blessing. “Blessed are those who hunger and thirst after righteousness, for they shall be filled;” then those who hunger and thirst after unrighteousness, and drink up iniquity, as an ox drinks up water, and persecute the righteous for his righteousness sake, they obtain not this blessing. “Blessed be the merciful, for they shall obtain mercy;” now the cruel, and the persecuting, unmerciful, obtain not this blessing. “Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God.” So the impure in heart, that love the evil, and hate the light, and love darkness better than light, do not come to be partakers of this blessing, nor see God. “Blessed are the peace-makers, for they shall be called the children of God.” those who are the strife-makers among the people, (in strife for their bellies, and outward things), are not the children of God, and have not this blessing; “blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness sake, for theirs is the kingdom of Heaven.” Then what blessing do the persecutors have? What kingdom is theirs? Judge you: “blessed are you when men shall revile and persecute you, and say all manner of evil against you for my sake, and the gospel;” then it follows, the revilers and persecutors do not have that blessing.

Query. What evil could any, both in their other powers, days, and now, find in the people called Quakers, other than concerning their beliefs of  Christ, and their God; for which they have been persecuted, banished, and imprisoned until death.

But here you may see Christ, who had all power in heaven and earth, saw that there would be persecutors, and speakers of all manner of evil against his people falsely, for his sake; but he encourages the persecuted, and tells them “rejoice, and be glad exceedingly, for great is your reward in heaven:” So here you may see that their reward is not from the earth: “for so,” said Christ, “they persecuted the prophets that went before you,” which was to let them know that persecution was no new thing. Nevertheless, Christ encourages them, that they are the salt of the earth, his children, and the salt makes the earth savory; and they were the light of the world, and a city set on a hill cannot be hidden; so that they could not be hidden from the persecutors, and such as did speak all manner of evil against them falsely, for his sake. Further, Christ said, to encourage them, “that the light should be put on a lamp stand, and not under a bushel to be hidden, but to give light to all the house; for they were the light of the world;” and tells them, “let their light shine before men, that they might behold and see their good works, and glorify their Father which is in heaven.” This was to keep their eyes above them that persecuted, and spoke all manner of evil of them. So here you may see that the prophets, and the children of the kingdom did not suffer as just men in the eyes of the persecutors; for Stephen did not suffer as a just man in the eyes of his persecutors, but as a blasphemer, Acts 7:51-59. Christ Jesus, in the eyes of the persecuting priests, scribes, and Pharisees, did not suffer by them as a just man, but was accounted a deceiver; and the chief priests mocked him, wagging their heads at him; and that is the way of the persecuting spirit now. But Christ said, “Father forgive them, for they know not what they do.” Now, you christians that persecute, are you not so blind that you do not know what you do? When the great persecuting professing Jews cried against Christ, “crucify him, crucify him,” nothing but death would serve them; did not Christ say to Pilate, “My kingdom is not of this world. If my kingdom were of this world, my servants would fight, so that I should not be delivered to the Jews; but now my kingdom is not from here;” which shows that the kingdom of the world is for the fighters. Christ, who had all power in heaven and earth given unto him, would not defend himself against all his persecutors, mocking priests, and professors. Just as you may see the greatest persecuting professors in Christendom will now mock those whom they persecute. Such persecuting believers have cast the law of Jesus behind their backs. As Christ prayed to his Father to forgive his persecutors, so now do the Quakers who have the mind of Christ, although he had all power given unto him, and could have prayed unto his Father for legions of angels, to defend him.

You read in the scriptures that the great professors of scriptures, the Jews, said that Christ was a deceiver, and he was mad, and had a devil, and by the prince of devils cast out devils. Christ knew this was for religion sake, and for his virtue and Sonship; and although he had all power in heaven and earth given unto him; yet he did not give forth any law against them to have them punished, though they would have stoned him, and took up stones to stone him, who is the King of kings, and Lord of lords. He did not give forth any command or warrant to force any to their good behavior; for he suffered for his good profession and testimony. Oh, people, who call yourselves christians, lift up your eyes, that Christ may be your example, and follow him. Don’t follow the man of sin, who was a persecutor, a caster in prison, and a murderer from the beginning; for the proof you may see in the Revelation, it is said, “the devil shall cast some of you in prison ten days.”

Peter said to Christ, “Lord, how often shall my brother sin against me, and I forgive him? Up to seven times?” Jesus said unto him, “I do not say to you, up to seven times, but up to seventy times seven.

Oh, you people that call yourselves christians, how unlike minded are you unto Christ in this? how short, narrow, and impatient-spirited are you that persecute one another, and cannot bear one another, and forgive one another, and be patient one towards another, and love one another? and so Christ after he had spoken to Peter, he spoke a parable, how that “the kingdom of heaven is likened to a certain king which would take account of his servants: and when he began to reckon, one was brought unto him which owed him ten thousand talents; but for-as-much as he had not to pay, his lord commanded him to be sold, and his wife and children, and all that he had, and payment to be made; the servant fell down, and said, lord have pity upon me, and I will pay you all: and the lord of that servant was moved with compassion, loosed him, and forgave him the debt:” [mark,] here is the mercy, and the compassion, and the loosing, and the forgiveness in the acknowledgment, from the Lord the King of heaven; “But the same servant went out and found one of his fellow-servants, which owed him one hundred pence; he laid hands of him, and took him by the throat, saying, pay me that you owe me; and though his fellow-servant said he would pay him, and besought him to have patience, and he would pay him all, he cast him into prison until he paid the debt.”

Is not this like unto the envious, unmerciful, impatient professing Jews and christians, that are so passionate and mad, and casting into prison for every small matter; yes, and some that owes them nothing, neither sets them on work, as instance the priests and bishops.

When the other servants saw what had happened, they were greatly distressed and went and told their master everything that had happened. Then the master called the servant in. 'You wicked servant,' he said, 'I canceled all that debt of yours because you begged me to. Shouldn't you have had mercy on your fellow servant just as I had on you?' In anger his master turned him over to the jailers to be tortured, until he should pay back all he owed.” “So,” says Christ, “This is how my heavenly Father will treat each of you unless you forgive your brother from your heart.” Oh, you that are called christians, and go by that name, that are so subject, and so forward, to take your brother by the throat, and hauling them into prison until your will is satisfied, and make your brethren trespassers, when they are none, and cast them into prison, when you have neither law nor ground, but to satisfy your wills; consider the sentence of Christ, how that he said his Heavenly Father will deliver you up to the tormentors, until that you have paid him his due, if you do not forgive from your hearts your brethren, who trespass against you. No, many of you cannot forgive what is no really not a trespass, but with anger and envy will take revenge; for this, would you take vengeance out of the hand of God, who said, “Vengeance is mine, and I will repay it?” Everyone who does wrong, shall incur a penalty for the wrong that he does; God respects no man's person, and so this might convince you: let the tares and the wheat grow together until the harvest; for God would give them their reward according to their deeds, whether they are good or evil. Let all Christendom lay away this law of persecuting one another, and cease it; but mind that law, which Christ Jesus commanded, who has all power in heaven and earth, which is the law of love, and the great commandment, “to love one another, and enemies,” and this is what must unite all Christendom in a uniformity and conformity to their head Christ Jesus, their law-maker, and commandment-giver.

In Mat 22:36-40, Christ said, “you shall love your neighbor as yourself, you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind. On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets.” This spoke Christ to the lawyers when they came to ensnare him by their questions, as many do now the children of his kingdom. So now how short of the mark are you, you called christians, of the law and the prophets, in the practice of Christ's doctrine; for if you loved your neighbors as yourselves, then how can you imprison? How can you banish? How can you spoil goods? How can you burn? How can you hang your neighbors? How can you love and serve God with all your hearts and your souls, and destroy your fellow-creatures, the works of his hands, and for matter of religion and worship of God, whom you profess to love? Although you all profess God and Christ, and yet destroy one another about your religion and worship, this is contrary to his command, who has all power in heaven and earth. This is contrary to his command, which is to love one another, and enemies, and contrary to his law of love, and contrary to his doctrine and example, “who came not to destroy men's lives, but to save them.” Christ severely rebuked those who would have had men's lives destroyed; and told all “to do unto all men, as you would have them do unto you.” Mark this royal law and command, and do not cast it out from among you; for you would not have any man to persecute you, or imprison you? Would you have any to banish you, and put you to death for your religion and worship? Would you have any man to spoil your goods, and to have you from your families, and to keep you in prison until death, and while your wives are made widows, and children fatherless, for your religion? So what you would not have men do unto you, do not you unto others, for the royal law of liberty respects no man's person. So do unto others, as you would have others do unto you, and this keeps all to an even balance, and just weight; and so observe the royal law of liberty.

The two sons of Zebedee, when their mother came with them to Christ, and desired of him that her two sons should sit one on his right hand, and the other on the left hand in his kingdom. When the ten other disciples heard it, they were moved with indignation against the two brethren. Here you may see what caused indignation; that is, one disciple to be above another; but Jesus, who has all power in heaven and earth, to take away this offence, and clear all, and stop all, he called the disciples to him, and said, “you know that the princes of the Gentiles exercise dominion over them, and they are called gracious lords; but it shall not be so among you;” and this was to keep the ministers of the gospel equal brethren, and not to exercise lordship and authority one over another in matters of religion and faith; for it was the Gentiles that exercised lordship. To confirm this, he said, “whosoever will be chief among you, let him be a servant; and the Son of man came not to be ministered unto, but to minister, and to give his life a ransom for all: and be not you called of men rabbi, for one is your master, even Christ, and you all are brethren,” and so not to be called lords like the Gentiles. Christ said, by way of prophesy, how that the Jews, and others, “should kill, and crucify, and scourge you in the synagogue, and from city to city, that upon you may come all the righteous blood shed upon the earth, from the blood of righteous Abel, to the blood of Zechariah, son of Barachias, whom you slew between the temple and the altar.” And so upon whom must all the righteous blood come that has been shed in all Christendom about religion, since Christ's and the apostles' days, who have manifested the spirit of the Jews in scourging in your synagogues, and from place to place, such as Christ has sent among you?

Did not Christ say, “how can you,” that follow such practices, whom he called a generation of vipers, “escape the damnation of hell?” and therefore, he said, “be you witnesses, that you are the children of them that killed the prophets.” So is not the same to be said to you that persecute now? Witness that you are the children of those who killed Christ and the apostles, and his witnesses, and saints, and martyrs, that kept the testimony of Jesus since the apostles' days, and that fill up the measure of your forefathers. Did not Christ say, “Oh, Jerusalem, Jerusalem, you that kill the prophets, and stone them that are sent unto you; how often would I have gathered you, as a hen gathers her chickens under her wings, but you would not? Behold, your houses are left desolate unto you.”

Was not Jerusalem the highest place of profession, where those persecutors, murderers, and killers of the Lord's prophets lived? What may be said of Christendom, and her highest place of worship; look both among papists and protestants? How many have they killed and persecuted that were sent among them by Christ? Do you think that Christ does not weep over you, whom you thereby daily pierce; and if the persecutors' houses at Jerusalem were to be left desolate, then what will become of your houses, who call yourselves christians, and yet are found persecutors? Do you think that all persecutors' houses will not be left desolate, though they are ever so high professors of the scriptures; will not their houses be left desolate of God and Christ? Read Mat 23. And does not Christ say, “If you have anything against your brother, leave your gift at the altar, and go and be reconciled to your brother, and then offer it;” and so should not all the christians in the whole world be reconciled to one another before they offer their gift to God and Christ, whose law is, “They should love one another.”

And whereas it is said, in 1 Pet 2:17. “Honor all men: love the brotherhood: fear God, and honor the king.” [Mark,] To fear God, is not to grieve nor offend him, but to be subject to him, and reverence him. To honor all men, and to honor the king, is to have the king, and all men in esteem; and to esteem the king, is not to hurt the king, nor any man; and this lays waste all persecution, and persecutors; for how can they say they esteem the king, or esteem any man, if they persecute him? So as all true christians are brethren in Christ Jesus, they are to love the brotherhood, and so to keep the law and command of Christ; and one christian persecuting another about religion and worship, is not to love the brotherhood.

At the council of the great professing Jews, when the apostles were brought before the council and high priests, and they charged them “they should not preach anymore in the name of Jesus.” The apostles replied, “whether they ought to obey God rather than man, judge you.” The apostle said further to them, “the God of our forefathers has raised up Jesus, whom you slew and hung on a tree, and God has exalted him at his right hand to be a Prince, and a Saviour, and to give repentance to Israel, and forgiveness of sins;” and the apostle said, “we are witnesses of these things.” When the council heard these things, they, who had before slain the Son, took counsel together how they might slay the apostles. Here all may see this persecuting, murdering spirit, that persecuted in all ages. You may say now, had we been in the days of Christ and the apostles, we would not have killed them; so those who persecute, may see they are in the same spirit as the persecutors were, in the apostles' days, and not in the spirit of Christ and the apostles. But then one stood up in the council, when they took counsel to kill the apostles, who was a Pharisee, named Gamaliel, a doctor of the law, held in repute among all the people, and commanded to put the apostles forth a little space; and said unto them, “you men of Israel, take heed to yourselves what you do touching these men,” when he had convinced them by arguments, as Acts 5:33-41. “Let them alone,” said he, “for if this counsel or this work is of men, it will come to nothing; but if it is of God, you cannot overthrow it; for fear that perhaps you are found even to fight against God.” So, to Gamaliel the council and high priest agreed, and called the apostles, whom they had beaten, and commanded them to speak no more in the name of Jesus. Yet the apostles departed, rejoicing that they were counted worthy to suffer for his name; and the apostles went and taught daily afterwards in the temple, and every house Christ Jesus.

Now would some in our days say, the apostles brought sufferings upon their own heads, and that they did it to provoke the magistrates, as some in our days have said. You may see this persecuting council, though they had agreed to Gamaliel, yet they persecuted the apostles.

Have not they, called christians in Christendom, lacked a Gamaliel among them, to moderate and to stop them from banishing, killing, burning, imprisoning, and spoiling of goods? For this Gamaliel was a Jew, and christians think themselves above a Jew; but where is the Gamaliel's spirit among you, that say, “if it is of God it will stand;” showing that they knew not whether it was of God or not? Where is Gamaliel's caution in Christendom: “let them alone, restrain yourselves, if it is of God it will stand; if it is  the work of men, it will come to nothing. If it is of God you cannot overthrow it; therefore, take heed for fear that you be found fighters against God.” Therefore, what became of all the Jews that were found fighters against God and Christ? What is become of the pope, and all those persecuting powers before you? So see if there is not a Gamaliel's spirit and council lacking among you, to moderate the persecuting spirit; mind Gamaliel's counsel in Acts 5. For indeed the true christians are above Gamaliel, for they know that which they preach to be of God, though the moderate Gamaliel, (whose spirit is beyond the spirit that is in Christendom), cried, “if it is of God, you cannot overthrow it,” and so stopped them from violent persecution. So have not the christian priests and bishops need of such a Gamaliel to moderate and regulate them, and hold their reins from proceeding on to persecution? Does not the apostle say, “that christians should not bite one another, for fear that they should devour and consume one another, but love one another?” Love fulfills the law of Christ Jesus, which is the law of love, for the law of love preserves; and if they keep the law of love, they will not bite one another, nor consume one another, nor persecute one another, nor spoil one another, as they have done.

The apostle said, to the christians in the primitive times, before the apostasy came in, “For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war after the flesh, for the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but spiritual, mighty through God, to the pulling down of strong holds, casting down of every imagination, and every high thought that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ.” 2 Cor 10:4-5.

Now, [mark,] “the strong holds,” the high imaginations, and high thoughts, were not brought down by carnal weapons, nor that which exalts itself against the knowledge of God, but by spiritual weapons. Here it is clear that one christian did not persecute another with carnal weapons; for their war was not after the flesh, nor was their wrestling  with flesh and blood. That which gives the knowledge of God, is the light which shines in the heart. Since the apostles' days, instead of plucking down the imaginations and high thoughts, and bringing that down to the obedience of Christ, which exalts itself, which is the spirit's work, persecutors have wrestled with flesh and blood, and warred after the flesh, not having the power as the apostles had. So they have lost the apostles' warfare and weapons, which were spiritual, and have gotten carnal weapons in the place of them. The apostle also spoke to the Ephesians, who were the christians in the primitive times, he said, “my brethren, be strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might, and put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil.” This was God's armor, and not man's, “having their loins girded with truth, and the breastplate of salvation, and their feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace, and taking the shield of faith, wherewith you shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked, and take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the spirit, which is the word of God.”

[Mark.] These were the weapons of the christians in the primitive times, with which they warred and wrestled against principalities and powers, rulers of darkness of this world, and spiritual wickedness in high places. “For,” said he, “we do not wrestle against flesh and blood.” So here it is plain that the primitive christians did not use carnal weapons, clubs and staves, like Judas's company, to persecute and haul one another, or those that were of a different opinion to theirs, to prison, or banish them. For if they had, they must have used carnal weapons, and wrestled with flesh and blood. So with spiritual wickedness they wrestled with spiritual weapons, which weapons the apostate christians have degenerated from, and therefore have taken up carnal weapons. We know, and you should know, that the shield of faith, and the breastplate of righteousness, and the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the spirit, and the word of God, and the feet shod with the gospel, and truth to be the belt; these are the spiritual weapons, and this is the armor of God, which the christians in the primitive times used, by which they did not wrestle with flesh and blood, nor war after the flesh with carnal weapons. Those who have warred after the flesh with carnal weapons since the apostles' days about religion and church, are in that spirit and power that the apostles and primitive christians warred against. They, who war in the flesh, have the scriptures in their carnal minds, warring and wrestling with flesh and blood, which are judged and reproved by the apostles' and primitive christians' words.

To the christians in the primitive times, the apostles' doctrine was they were not to avenge themselves, but rather to give place to wrath, “for vengeance is mine, said the Lord, and I will repay it.” So they were to follow peace with all men, and holiness, without which no man should see the Lord; “not to render evil for evil, nor railing for railing; but contrariwise blessing, knowing that they are thereunto called, that they should inherit the blessing.” 1 Pet 3:9. They were to overcome evil with good, and “you shall heap coals of fire on his head in so doing. Therefore, if possible, as much as in you lies, live peaceably with all men, repay to no one evil for evil.”

Now people, you may see how this doctrine and practice of the primitive christians is laid aside in Christendom, by such as have a form of godliness, but deny the power, who are to be turned away from, who have rendered evil for evil, and takes revenge, as 2 Tim 3:5. The apostle said, “every soul must be subject to the higher power:” [mark,] the soul is immortal, and the power is so. For he says, “there is no power but it is of God, and the powers that be are ordained of God, and he that resists the power, resists the ordinance of God.” So the power is not to be spoken against, nor resisted; for it being ordained of God, the soul must be subject to it, “for rulers are not a terror to good works, but to evil. Will you then not be afraid of the power? Do that which is good, and you shall have praise of the same.”

[Mark.] This power is not against the good, but against the evil; it is not a terror to the good, but to the evil. The good has its praise by the power, and is not afraid of it, but the evil is afraid, and it is a terror to it; “so he is a minister of God to you for good; but he that does evil is afraid of the power, for he bears not the sword in vain. For he is the minister of God to revenge the wrath upon him that does evil;” but not upon the good. So here he makes a distinction, the good from the evil, the higher power is a praise to the good. Therefore we must be subject not only for fear of wrath, but also for conscience sake, that is, to be subject to the power that is a praise to the good, and a terror to the evil. Now when magistrates acted contrary to the power, (as you may read in the scripture), ordained of God, then he sent his prophets and servants, to cry against the corruptions of the magistrates, (not against the power, which God had ordained); and such magistrates if they did not return to the power, you may read how often God overturned them. You may see often such magistrates in the scriptures, who have turned the sword backwards against the righteous and let the guilty go free; making no difference between the precious and the vile. For this reason have we paid our taxes and dues; so custom to whom custom, honor to whom honor, fear to whom fear. We have not been behind on our part; they have had their tribute, and the magistrates their customs and their dues, though they have turned their sword against us, against the good, while drunkards, swearers and evildoers were set at liberty. We have not been behind on our duties, though they have been on theirs, but we leave them all to the Lord, to plead with them all.

The apostle said to the christians, “owe nothing to any man, but love one another, for love fulfils the law.” So they who do not love one another, and are out of love; and it is clear they do not fulfill the law, but break it. Are not christians great debtors in this? The apostle said, “you shall not commit adultery, nor kill, nor steal, nor bear false witness, nor covet.” If there is any other commandment, it is briefly comprehended in this saying: “you shall love your neighbor as yourself.” Here it is clear, this higher power, which God's ministers attend upon continually, is not against the liberty of true christians, nor does it take hold upon people in matters of religion and worship; but such as kill, commit adultery, steal, and covet; here is nothing of this higher power's meddling with difference in religion, or to be any terror to them, but to the evildoers; but this higher power is a praise to all that own God, and profess Christ Jesus, and live in his life; and all christians are “to stand fast in the liberty wherewith Christ has made them free.”

Now the apostle, who said, “tribute to whom tribute, and custom to whom custom,” this was to the magistrates, and that they should have their dues. This does not concern the priests' tithes, for the apostle plainly declared against tithes, and said, “the law was changed by which the priesthood was made, and the commandment disannulled which gave tithes,” Heb 7, and he preached up another priesthood: “Christ Jesus made higher than the heavens.” Now as the apostle said, “love works no evil to its neighbor, and love is the fulfilling of the law,” and this keeps him out of killing, stealing, committing adultery, and bearing false witness, and this keeps him from under the magistrates' sword, who is subject to the power, which is a praise to him that does well. He that loves his neighbor as himself, will not kill his neighbor, nor bear false witness against him, nor steal from him, nor commit adultery, for those are the actions of the evildoer the law is a terror against. Rom 13:1-10.

The apostle said to the Galatians, the law is fulfilled in one word, “you shall love your neighbor as yourself.” So if the law is fulfilled, then it does not take hold upon such that love their neighbor as themselves. You, who are led by the spirit of God, are not under the law. Those who are led by the evil spirit into drunkenness, envy, and murder, and strife, and hatred; such fruits come under the law, and the higher power is a terror to them. Gal 5:18-21. Those who love their neighbor as themselves, do not bite, nor devour, nor consume one another; but those who hate their neighbors, and bite and consume one another, these do not fulfill the law, but break it; cast your eye over Christendom, and you may see these fruits. The persecution came for the sake of the cross of Christ, which cross was the power, before the wood and stone was; and therefore those who persecute, are out of the higher power, and cross, and life of Christ Jesus.

The apostle says to Timothy, “we know the law is good, if a man uses it lawfully.” Now, [mark,] a man must use it lawfully, and then it is good. “Knowing this,” said the great apostle of Christ Jesus, “that the law is not made for a righteous man.” Therefore those who are righteous men, and the Quakers, whom no evil can be charged against in their lives and conducts, the law is not to be laid upon them, if is administered lawfully. “For,” said the great apostle, “the law was made for the lawless, disobedient, for sinners, unholy, profane, murderers of fathers and mothers, man-slayers, whoremongers, such as defile themselves with mankind, men-stealers, liars, perjured persons,” to such the law is a terror, for these are the evildoers, which law is a praise to them that are good. So the law here was not made to limit people from worshipping God, those owning God and Christ; but for such as the above-mentioned. This is according to sound doctrine, and also according to the blessed gospel of God, which was committed to the apostles' trust, which he taught and laid down to be observed among the primitive christians, which others, apostatized from his life, have degenerated from, and have not observed his sound doctrine; but many have turned the sword backward, and the laws upon righteous men, which it was not made for, and that has not been according to the glorious gospel of the blessed God, nor according to the higher power, but the devil, from where persecution has arisen.

When the Pharisees took counsel how they might entangle Christ in his talk, they sent from their councils their disciples with the Herodians, saying, “we know, master, that you are true, neither care you for any man, for you regard not the person of men, tell us, therefore, what do you think you, is it lawful to give tribute to Caesar, or not?” Jesus perceiving their wickedness, said, “why do you tempt me, you hypocrites? show me the tribute-money, and they brought unto him a penny, he said unto them, “whose is this image, and superscription? They said unto him, Caesar's: then said he unto them, “render therefore unto Caesar the things that are Caesar's, and to God the things that are God's.”

[Mark,] Those that came to tempt Christ were of the Jews, the great professors, and Caesar was a heathen. The Jews were under the power of the heathen, having lost the life of that which they did profess, and that spirit in them would have brought Christ under Caesar, by the temptations; these he calls hypocrites, who professed the scriptures, and were not in the life of them, as all others are as this day, who are found in the same nature that would ensnare. But Christ, who is the wisdom of God, confounded them. Caesar must have his things; and what are his things, but his tribute, his custom, and that which his superscription is upon? So other kings, whose image is set upon their money, must have their dues; but as well as people, God must have his things of Caesar, and the council of the great professing Jews. What are God's things? Where his image and superscription is written in the heart, God must have his things; so see each superscription and image. So let Caesar have his due where his superscription and image is; so the superscription and image of Caesar to Caesar, and God's writing and image to himself; for the holy one must have his liberty, and not be limited, and so here everything is in its place. Mat 22:17-21.

The apostle said, “whatever is not of faith is sin.” Rom 14:23, showing, that the true faith is not sin, for it is that which gives the victory over sin, and access to God, and purifies the heart. Therefore to bring people to that which is not of faith, is to bring them into sin, and to make them to make shipwreck of their faith, and of a good conscience, seeing that the mystery of faith is held in the good and pure conscience. Therefore the true faith must have its liberty, which gives the victory, in which God is pleased, and who are of faith are of Abraham.

The great apostle Paul, said to the Corinthians, “that we do not have dominion or power over your faith, but we are helpers of your joy, for by faith you stand.” Now, [mark,] all you that are in Christendom, who call yourselves christians, who persecute about religion; have you not degenerated from the apostles, because you attempt to have dominion and power over men's faith? Is not the case plain, that you would not allow the faith, which is the gift of God, to have its liberty? So you are out of the true faith, the gift of God, which the apostles were in; and so are not helpers of the joy of those who are in the true faith, because you yourselves are not standing by it. Why did the apostle tell them to stand fast in the faith? Because they knew there were some who would oppose their faith. 1 Cor 16:13, 2 Cor 1:24.

Did the apostles not council among themselves, for does he not say, “we have not dominion or power over your faith.” If they had said that they had power over their faith, they might have said they had power over the gift of God, for “faith was the gift of God;” and that they had power over Christ, “who was the author of faith, and finisher of it;” but the apostle said, “they were helpers of one another's joy, in the faith they were to build up one another in:” so it is clear that God must have his liberty, who is the author and finisher of faith, which men must not have power over, no not the apostles, for by one faith they all stand.

The gospel that the apostles preached “had not been received from man, nor by man, but by the revelation of Jesus Christ, which was the power of God unto salvation to everyone that believes.” This gospel, the power of God, which is liberty, is to have its liberty, and men must have their liberty in it; for if men turn against the power, they turn against the gospel, and bring destruction upon themselves, in persecuting.


By George Fox

This is for the poor, distressed, scattered ones in foreign nations. From the royal seed of God, and heirs of salvation, called Quakers, who are the Church of the Living God, built up together of living stones in England. A visitation and uniting to the pearl of God, which is hidden in all the world, that everyone may turn into himself, and there feel it, and find it.

Friends,—The pearl is hidden in the field, and the field is the world, and the world is in your hearts, and there you must dig deep to find it. When you have dug deep and found it, you must sell all to purchase and redeem this field, and there you shall know the merchant-man that makes the exchange, and there shall you know Christ, in you the hope of glory, to save you, and redeem you, the Immanuel, God with us. There shall you know the woman that lost the piece of silver, and was seeking it without; but when the candle was lit and the house swept, she found it in her own house, and then she knew the joy, and went and told her neighbors; and then she knew the day-star rise in her heart, and the day dawning, whereby the light shall be known, that shines from the east to the west, and the word of faith in the mouth and heart, and the oil is in your lamp if you enter in with the bridegroom. The light shines in your own heart to give you the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ, from where it comes, and the anointing which abides in you will teach you, and as it does teach you, you shall continue in the Father and the Son, from where this holy anointing comes, and you have received it, and here you shall know that you need no man to teach you, but as the same anointing does teach you, and the engrafted  word, able to save your souls, is in your hearts, and the hidden man of the heart, which is renewed day by day is found there, and the meek and quiet spirit, which is with the Lord of great price, is found in you. The covenant of grace that brings salvation is in your heart, and in your mouth, to season it and your words, and to teach you to deny all ungodliness and worldly lusts, and the heap of teachers set up by men's lusts in the world, that turn this grace into wantonness, and live wildly, and it will teach you to live soberly.

The devil went from the truth, and deceived the nations, and abode not in it, and he rules in all the hearts of the children of disobedience, that obey not the truth; he that went out of the truth, and so they become synagogues of Satan, and murderers. Cain went from the truth, the Jews went from the truth, and so were of the devil, the false prophets, antichrists, inwardly ravened from the truth, and so all these turned against the just, and became murderers. But those who are come to the just that they ravened from, over all these they reign, and bring people to God, to reign over all this that is out of the truth, and contrary to it. All you high gazing professors, and hypocrites, the kingdom of heaven is within you (like unto a grain of mustard-seed, like unto leaven), that comes not by observation, who are and have been gazing for it without you.
*Fox writes to remind us of Jesus' parables: that the kingdom of heaven is like the grain of mustard-seed and like the leaven which goes through the whole lump; both analogies show that the kingdom grows from small beginnings before it can be known. Further, Mark reports: 
And he said, To what shall we liken to the kingdom of God? Or with what parable shall we picture it? It is like a grain of mustard seed, which, when it is sown in the earth, is less than all the seeds that are in the earth. But when it is sown, it grows up, and becomes greater than all herbs, and shoots out great branches; so that the fowls of the air may lodge under the shadow of it. Mark 4:30-32 
So, in the beginning of your seeking the kingdom within, it is smaller than the tares of the world, which are the lusts, pride, worries, cares, and pleasures. But, if the seed of God's kingdom is watered and fed, it grows to be the largest of all; this seed is watered and fed through seeking the Lord, through silent waiting for him, listening for his voice, hearing his teachings and commands, and obeying them as directed from God.
Come all you wearied souls, who have been long traveling these many years since the days of apostasy from the true apostles and disciples, where darkness and mists have gone over the earth, and blinded and darkened the minds and eyes of the people. The true ministry being lost since the days of apostasy, by which people have run into following reputed teachers, and separations, and sects, and truth among them held in the unrighteousness, the sin and the enmity in everyone's mind; men slaying one another about religion, and for religion, and about worship, which slaying was not the work of the true christians, true ministers, and true apostles. The true apostles brought people into unity, and wrestled against principalities, and powers, and spiritual wickedness, which ruled in the children of disobedience, and brought them to the thing which they disobeyed. So the enmity has been in all minds of believers upon earth, among christians, teachers, people, and rulers, who would slay one another, murder one another about worship, about scriptures, the prophets', Christ's and the apostles' words. Here is the devil, the old adversary of man, gotten in among believers, provoking them to destroy one another, keeping up the form of the saints' words, in the nature of the Jews, that kept up the form of the prophets' and Moses’ words, which Christ said were of their father the devil, among whom the pearl was lost, that has been lost since the days of apostasy from the apostles' life, Christ's life; nations covered with ignorance like unto waters. But the prophets, Christ, and the apostles, were in unity in the spirit, which led them to speak forth the scriptures, which now are professed among christians in Christendom; but the life of Christ, of the prophets and the apostles, they have been out of. They lack the bond of peace, the unity; for the unity is in the spirit, which is the bond of peace, which Christ, the prophets and apostles were in, who gave forth the scriptures. So people have fallen out with one another over words, forms, traditions, inventions, and idols.

But now that is manifest which comprehends the world, which was before the world was made; Christ Jesus the covenant of God, who enlightens every man that comes into the world, that all through the light might believe and feel the witness in themselves, in which people come to have peace with God. Everyone receiving the light, with which they are enlightened, they receive him, who has enlightened them, Christ Jesus in their own particulars. The light shows them their sins and to see the saviour of their souls, and to know the saviour of their souls, Christ Jesus, from whom the light comes. For, said God, I will give him for a covenant, a light to the Gentiles, and a leader to the people, and I will make a new covenant with the house of Israel and Judah, them that had the old; I will put my laws in their minds, I will write them in their hearts, and they shall not need to say know the Lord, which covenant thousands in England do witness, that they need not say know the Lord, in which they have unity one with another, and peace with God through Christ Jesus his covenant, and witness the power of it, and feel the covenant of light, the leader, and God's covenant fulfilled, him that Abraham, David, the prophets gave testimony of should come, him that the apostles did give testimony of had come and risen; he is enjoyed, in which people come to have unity one with another, (and the scriptures, and the thing the scriptures speak of), and God. In the light, him by whom the world was made, there is no occasion of stumbling, so the covenant of light that God said he would give by his prophets for a leader of the people, the way to the Father, thousands witness him leading of them out of the first Adam, driven from the Father, who is the end of the prophets, and he is leading of them up to God, and is their teacher, and they have found him in them, and come to him, and found rest for their souls, and their souls have rest, and they have taken on Christ's yoke that is easy, and his burden that is light, and he is become their teacher; and men's yokes, and burdens, and teachings, and doctrines come to be ceased from, and cast off, which have ruled since the days of the apostasy from the apostles.

And the pearl that has been hidden in the earth is found, and the morning star is risen, and the day is dawned, and the true light shines, and wisdom, (which all the knowledge, understanding and wisdom that man has cannot comprehend nor find), cries in the streets to the simple ones, and for all to fear God that they may receive it, the wisdom of God, Christ Jesus, him by whom the world was made, the wisdom by which all things were made and created, and to come out of the sin and transgression that all the world has lived in, which have the form of godliness, but have been in the transgression from the life, and ravened from it, and have been in the sheep's clothing, but have been ready to worry the lambs everywhere; they, who are clothed on the outside, in the form of godliness, but inwardly ravened from the life; the antichrists, whom Christ said would come, and whom John saw had come, which the world has since been wondering after. So there has been the pearl hidden, and the life of Christ, the prophets, and apostles has been lost, and the form they have had, but life and glory is risen that manifests and discovers all things; and churches and teachers that have not been made by the will of God, which has risen up since the days of the apostles. From all such God is bringing his people to teach them himself; and from all their ways, to Christ the way to the Father; and from all their churches to the church in God, the pillar and ground of truth; and over them to the anointing which abides within, to which people have come; which as it teaches them, they continue in the Son of God, and the Father. Such need not that any man teach them, but as the same anointing teaches them, which abides in them, and as it does teach them, they continue in the Son of God, in the wisdom of God. They continue in the life and in the truth. They continue in the covenant of God. They continue in the power of God, and the rock Christ Jesus, him by whom the world was made, and was before it was made. In the power and Christ, people come to have peace with God, and one with another; and the foundation of many generations is found and witnessed that breaks down the bond of iniquity that made the breach between God and man. Christ makes up the breach between God and man, whereby health, and glory, and peace in the inward is felt; and the election is known before the world was made, which has obtained the promise of eternal life, and the power of an endless life is enjoyed, and the world to come.

Therefore come all here you scattered ones over the world, the power of God in you feel, and then you feel Christ Jesus who has enlightened everyone that comes into the world, then you will feel the covenant, which you have with God, which will blot out your sin and transgression, then you will feel the blood of Christ Jesus which cleanses from all sin, which the light discovers as you walk in the light, as he is in the light, and you will have fellowship one with another; the kingdom of heaven is seen, which is as a grain of mustard-seed which is within, and many have received it, and are become as little children, and those who are instructed to the kingdom, bring forth their things new, and their things old. Many are digging in the field, which is the world, which is set in their hearts seeking for the pearl, and many have found it, and many merchant-men are exchanging, glory to the Lord forever. So the pearl is within you, that is found in the nation of England, and all people upon the earth come into yourselves, find the pearl in you, the precious pearl that has lain under the earth, and come out of your talk and profession in words, in which the Jews were, in whom the pearl was hidden, that you may find the pearl in yourselves, and the kingdom there within you, though it is like a grain of mustard-seed, it is like unto leaven, it will leaven you up into a new lump. Teachings, churches, and notions without life shall wither, fade like flowers, wither like grass, and be burnt up like stubble, sticks, and chaff that has cumbered the ground. The wheat is gotten out into the garner, the lambs are leaping, the Father carries them in his hands, the babes born of the immortal seed by the word of God, and are at the breast sucking, living riches is manifested, God the Father is known, and is worshipped in the spirit and in the truth, in that which the devil is out of, the blood of Jesus is witnessed, which flows and cleanses from all sin, the fountain is opened, where is the washing of all sores. God is bringing people into the life that gave forth the scriptures, that the prophets, Christ and the apostles were in, in which life they shall see their words, and have unity with them, and with the Lord God, and one with another. The word of faith is possessed and known in the heart, in the mouth, that divides asunder the precious thoughts from the vile thoughts, and precious desires from vile desires, and precious affections from vile affections; and the word of faith is in the mouth to divide asunder the precious words from the corrupt words, and this word that divides asunder the precious from the vile, is quick and powerful, and sharper than a two-edged sword; for the vile separated from God, the word that divides it, the vile from the precious, hammers it down, burns it up, cuts it down, reconciles to the Father, and separates that which separated.

So the word of God in you all feel, in all your occasions, and then you will have the word of wisdom, that will divide asunder your precious thoughts from your vile thoughts, your precious words from your vile words, and this will teach you in all your occasions; the pearl in you come to know, the seed in you come to know, which seed is Christ, that inherits the promise, which now is risen in thousands, who are come to be heirs of the promise, and heirs of God, and heirs of the world that has no end. Come to know the anointing in you all, which abides in you, and then you need not that any man teach you, but as the same anointing does teach you, and as it does teach you, you shall continue in the Son of God, from where it comes, in him by whom the world was made. The kingdom of heaven in you all, come to know, which is like unto a grain of mustard-seed, and as you all come to receive it, you will all come to be as little children, and there you will come to feel the leaven, which leavens you up into a new lump, and so to know the kingdom of the world, to become the kingdom of the Son of God, and this is the kingdom of heaven, like a grain of mustard-seed in you, which never consented to sin, and receiving that, you come to be as little children, and to know the leaven that will leaven you up into a new lump, which thousands do witness in England. All come to know the light which shines in your hearts, which must give you the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Christ Jesus, in Christ's face, from whence the light comes, him by whom the world was made, glorified with the Father before the world began. I am the light of the world, and I do enlighten everyone that comes into the world, said Christ the second Adam, who is the way again to God, man being driven from God in the first Adam, Christ the second Adam, the life, the truth, is the way again to God, which everyone that comes into the world, is enlightened withal; for man being driven from God, he is driven from life, and driven from God, he is driven from truth, and driven from God, he is driven from his wisdom, and driven from God, he is driven from his righteousness, and from his power, under the power of Satan. So Christ the power of God through death destroys death; and destroys him that has the power of death, the devil; and was over death before the world was made, the redeemer of mankind out of the fall, who enlightens every man that comes into the world, that all through him might believe; and he that has come into the light which he is enlightened withal, he has come into the wisdom of God, into the righteousness of God, he has come into the way, he has come to Christ the power of God, to the rock, him by whom the world was made, and so comes to the life, and rest, and peace.

He that believes is saved, he that does not is condemned; and he that believes has the witness in himself, and has set to his seal, that God is true, who has performed his promise, and sees the prince of this world is judged, and has come into the righteousness of God, Christ Jesus. So Christ Jesus, he is the righteousness of God, he is the new and living way, and the one way to the Father, and all the many ways are in the first Adam, driven from God, in the transgression; but Christ the second Adam, is the Lord from heaven. As death came by the one, life came by the other, and as darkness came by the one, light comes by the other, who is the righteousness of God, the truth, the life; as unrighteousness by the one, righteousness by the other, as untruth by the one, so truth by the other, as the many ways by one, so the one way to the Father by the other. There is disobedience by one which brings death, there is obedience by the other which brings life; him you must all come to find in you, Christ Jesus, except you are reprobates; then you come to witness the substance, then you come to know the everlasting covenant, then you come to know the prince of peace, the prince of life and comfort of what you do profess in your own particulars, in coming into the covenant of the Father; for death has reigned from Adam until Moses, and the law and the prophets were until John. Moses had the law which went over all transgression, and answered that in all people who was transgressed. The people have had Moses’ words, but they have been out of the life of Moses. The prophets' words they have had, but they have been out of the life of the prophets. John's words they have had, but have been out of the life of John. Christ's words they have had, but the life of Christ they have been out of. The apostles' words they have had but the life of the apostles they have been out of; the apostates since the days of the apostles. Christ said in the 7th, and 24th of Matt that false prophets and antichrists should come, to his disciples before he was offered up, and Christ gave to his disciples the marks by which they should know them, that they should be inwardly ravening, that is, devourers, having sheep's clothing, that is the outside, but wolves inwardly; do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles? by their fruits you shall know them. Now before the disciples' decease, Christ said unto them false prophets and antichrists should come, they saw they had come already into the world, as said 1 John 2:18-19,4:1. Little children I write unto you that it is the last time, whereof you have heard say, antichrist should come, whereby you know it is the last time, for there are many antichrists, many false prophets already in the world, and they went forth from us that it might be manifest they were not of us, for had they been of us, no doubt they would have continued with us. But said he, you have an anointing which abides in you (to the saints) and you need not that any man teach you, but as the same anointing does teach you, and as it does teach you, you shall continue in the Son of God and the Father. Christ, who said they should come, told the disciples to not go after them, the false prophets and antichrist which would be inwardly ravenous. John saw they had come ; he told the saints the anointing was in them to teach them, and the false prophets and antichrists, of which they had heard say should come, they were already in the world, and went out from them, and were inwardly raveners, and all that dwelled upon the earth went after, and all the world came to worship the beast and false prophet, and all nations drank of the wine of her fornications, that is, of the whore.

And now cry the professors and teachers of the world, the antichrist is just now coming, and our age is the end times; but did not John say, it was the last time when all nations had drank the cup of fornication, and all that dwelled upon the earth had worshipped the beast. [The whole world marvelled and followed this beast which changed to a beast with horns like a lamb, supporting the false christian church of many names.] Now we say the false prophets and antichrists have come, those which Christ said would come, which John saw had come, which went forth from them, which all people that dwelled upon the earth went after, and all nations came to drink the cup of her fornications, and she sits upon the waters, and the waters are people, and nations, and tongues, and languages, and multitudes, Rev 17:1-5,15, where she sits, tongues are waters, people waters, languages waters, nations waters, multitudes waters, for those have been from the rock, those who Christ said would come, and John saw had come, that had gone forth from them, and so have been as waters, and so the first beast arose out of the sea, and the second out of the earth; and all this Babylon building up and throwing down, and all these crosses and images, pictures and worshipping of names and idols, and all these pulpits, priests, tithes, churches, with crosses in the church-yards, and church-ends, have been of them, and all this making of ministers by the will of men, by their schools and colleges, for covetous ends, and covetous practices, are among the apostates, which are apostatized from Christ's disciples, who went forth freely, sent forth by him, and all these names of blasphemy among people called christians are of the beast, and given by the beast since the days of the apostles in the apostasy; in their days there were not so many names given to christians. So what Christ said would come, John saw had come, who had gone forth from them, which all the world went after, and worshipped the beast and false prophets; except those who had their names written in the Lamb's book of life before the foundation of the world, which kept the testimony of Jesus, against whom the beast and false prophets should make war, and should overcome, and the woman fled into the wilderness, and the man-child was caught up unto God, that which ravened forth, which was the wolf from the life, turned against them that kept the life; the testimony of Jesus which is the spirit.

But now the Lamb and the saints have the victory, for everyone that comes into the world being enlightened, they which go from the light which they are enlightened withal, they were inwardly ravened; and you may see these were those called heathens that got the sheep's clothing, that went forth from the apostles which had been among them, but they who did not continue, ravened from the life, had the sheep's clothing, kept the outside, but made war against those that kept the life, that kept to the spirit, the testimony of Jesus, and killed them. Here the apostasy began. Among these has come up all this trash, when they ravened from the life, and stood not in the counsel of God, but made ministers by their own wills, and apostatized from the true cross, the power of God, and from the true church, the pillar and ground of truth, and from the true apostles, and set up a church with a cross an the top of it, and these are those who have brought up all these pulpits, tithes, temples, schools, colleges, and these are those who despise prophecy, and quench the spirit, and limit the holy one, which sets them in confusion. The order and practice of the church of the apostles is, if anything be revealed to one that sits by, let the first hold his peace, for you may all speak one by one, that all may learn, and all may be comforted. So from all these apostates and apostasy, the beast and the number of his names, and his heads, and horns, and crowns, and his languages, and his crosses, and his churches, pulpits, and his teachers made by the will of man, is God bringing his people, and the Lamb and the saints have the victory; glory forever to the highest. The everlasting gospel shall be preached to them that dwell upon the earth, for all that dwell upon the earth have worshipped the beast, and gone after them that inwardly ravened, that Christ said would come, John saw had come, that had gone out from them; and so all nations have been like a wilderness, that briars, and thorns, and thistles may be gathered of them, and in this may everyone see his fruits; all worshipped the beast, except those who had their names written in the Lamb's book of life, and kept the testimony of Jesus. For all nations have drunk of the cup of her fornications, and this apostasy made war with the saints, and overcame them; but now the Lamb and the saints have gotten the victory over what Christ said would come, and John had come, which all the world went after, and now he is revealing the pure mystery [Babylon]. Now shall the saints and the holy prophets rejoice over her, who have come to what she apostatized from; now shall the holy tabernacle be witnessed with man; now shall the holy city be witnessed, and the heavenly Jerusalem; now cries the spirit come, and he that hears bids come, and the bride said come, for the Lamb and the saints have victory; and now is the marriage of the Lamb, and to everyone that thirsts, he will give of the water of life freely.

So everyone that comes into the world being enlightened, having a light from the Lamb, being turned to the light, that Christ Jesus the Lamb of God has enlightened them withal, and believing in the light which will let you see your sins, with it you will see the Lamb of God which takes away sins, for all these tithes, and pulpits, and temples, and priests, come up since the days of the apostles, are among them that apostatized from them, for the true apostles witnessed against the true temple which Solomon built, and said their bodies were the temples of God, and the apostles witnessed higher than the true priesthood, whose lips were to preserve the people's knowledge, and offered for his own sins, and the sins of the people, and witnessed the everlasting priesthood, and the one offering, Christ the treasure of wisdom and knowledge, which does enlighten every man that comes into the world, and the light that shined in their hearts, which came from him, would give them the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Christ Jesus, and with that light they saw the glory which was with the Father before the world began, from whom the light comes, him by whom the world was made; and the apostles brought them off the tithes, and said the priesthood was changed, and the law was changed also, and commandment disannulled which gave them tithes, Heb. 7. and Christ Jesus was come, the Son of God, the end of all similarities and likenesses. So as was said before, these priests, tithes, temples, pulpits, were made by the will of man since the days of the apostles in the apostasy, and these churches among whom are all these false names, and several worships and opinions, and judgments, and having the sheep's clothing, but everyone as a wolf ravened from the life, and ready to devour one another, so the form of godliness has been long among people, but the life and power has been wanting, which they were in, that gave forth the scriptures, in which people have unity, from it they have been apostatized, in which spirit the holy men gave forth the scriptures, which is the bond of peace, in it is the unity, and the worship of the Father in the truth, in that which the devil is out of, in which is no enmity, and so all having been inwardly raveners that have been from the life within, they have been wolves in sheep's clothing, ravening one after another, to devour one another, and their fruits have been briars and thorns, so profession of religion has been among people, but the life has been wanting, into which life God is now bringing his people, to that which they all ravened from, with which they shall see all the apostates in the apostasy, and fathom over the heads of them all, with which they shall come to see the rock Christ Jesus, the covenant of light, and life, and peace.

So that which may be known of God is manifest within people, which God has showed unto them, that when they do the things that are not convenient, not righteous or worthy of death, with that of God in them all they can tell, and to that of God in them all they must come, before they do hold the truth in the righteousness, or retain God in their knowledge, or retain his covenant of light, in which is the peace with God, and one with another; for the Jews they held truth, the prophets', and Moses’ and the saints' words, but their minds being reprobated from that which might be known of God made manifest in them, which God had showed unto them, they held it in the unrighteousness, in the sin and enmity, so that was in that age; now the ages since, people have held truth, Christ's words, the prophets' words, apostles' words, but it has been in the unrighteousness, that is in the sin, in the enmity in everyone's mind, and so there is the adversary and the wicked one among people, professors and christians that have that name, and so they become synagogues of Satan, in enmity one against another, giving one another names, gathering together in sects, one against another, cages of unclean spirits, habitations of dragons, yet truth held in the unrighteousness, in the enmity, which makes them to slay one another about it; and so there the devil puts men on to kill one another about religion, wrestle against flesh and blood, while the power of darkness, and spiritual wickedness rules, but those are no true christians, no ministers of Christ that do so, but they are all gone from that which may be known of God made manifest in them, which God has showed to them as the Jews were, outward Jews, not inward, outward christians, not inward; for he is a true christian that has Christ in him, as he was a true Jew who was one inward, so to that which may be known of God, manifest in them, must all people be brought, before they retain God in their knowledge, from whence it comes, or retain his covenant Christ Jesus, (the end of the prophets Abraham and David), whom the apostles preached, who was before the world was made, in which you come to have peace with God, in whom truth must be held, and spoken as it is in Jesus, and then it is held in righteousness, and spoken in peace, the seed of God being brought forth, and the covenant of light and life witnessed, the Lamb being risen which makes the powers of the earth to rage, that be out of the fear of God, and Christ Jesus is come to reign, the same yesterday, today, and forever, which makes all the ministers, teachers, prophets, and antichrist to rage, that have been made by the will of man, and schools, and colleges, that speak a divination of their own brain, and not from the mouth of the Lord, and all ministers, teachers, prophets, pastors, shepherds, guides, and leaders of the people, that have gotten Christ's, the prophets' and apostles' words, and professors of them, being found out of the life of the prophets, Christ and the apostles, with the life of Christ, of the prophets and apostles are they all judged, which makes them rage, which life is now made manifest, glory to the Highest forever.

And the Lord is come to teach his people himself by his spirit, and to gather them from all the world's ways, and teachers, to himself, and so all upon the earth which profess Christ's words, the prophets' and apostles', and not in their life, they are raging against their life, which is now manifest, and be raging against Christ, which is now manifest in his saints, Christ the same today, yesterday, and forever, so the seed of God is risen, glory to the highest forever, which seed is Christ in the male, and in the female, whereby many males and females are come to confess Christ the seed, in them who have the promise, and so are become heirs of the promise, heirs of God, heirs of life, and heirs of the world that has no end . The rulers of the earth take counsel together against the Lord, and against his anointed, and his babes as you may read, and as they may read, that now are taking counsel against him, where the anointing is manifest, such are those who slay him in the particular, and are the builders that reject the corner-stone. But the stone that is cut out of the mountains without hands, shall dash the head of gold to pieces, and the breast of silver, and who have an ear, they may hear. The world is crying out for their honor, and crying out for their bendings and bowings, and doffing their hats, and cry Jacob bowed to Esau; it seems that Esau is lord among you yet, and not servant. It is granted there was a time when Jacob bowed to Esau, and there was a time that Pharaoh and his host was in the sea, the family of Jacob rejoicing over them; there was a time that the house of Esau must be as stubble, and Jacob ride over the high places of the earth, and Nebuchadnezzar brought down among the beasts to eat grass like an ox, until he knew that the most high did rule in the kingdoms of men, and the elder must serve the younger; he that has an ear let him hear. And as for the hat, it is honor among men, is honor below, and not honor from above; while people are seeking for this honor below, they lose the honor which is from above, which Christ commands to seek, and questioned them that were there receiving honor one of another; and seeking honor of men, how could they believe? He said, moreover, I receive not honor of men, I which am the light of the world, by whom the world was made, which enlightens every man that comes into the world. He does not come among the sons of Adam (driven from God) to receive their honor, but to spoil it, deface it, stain their pride, deface their honor, mar their glory, stain their beauty. So the light (which every man that comes into the world is enlightened withal) will not receive the honor below, but will condemn him that receives it, and that is it which brings to seek honor from above, and stains the glory that is below. So the first Adam in the transgression receives honor of the earth, but the second Adam receives it not, nor will the light in them receive it, which comes from the second Adam, so I have a witness in all men's consciences upon the earth, that will not receive honor of men below, but of God, and that comes from above.

And the teachers of the world, and ministers, and pastors, and doctors, and shepherds have told us that the Hebrew and Greek was the original, and they were the orthodox ministers to open the scriptures to us, and they had the original [tongues or languages], when Moses said that all the earth was of one language before Babel, and Nimrod the mighty hunter, whose stock was of Ham, whom God did confound into the many languages, he was the beginner of the building of Babel. Moses said, like unto me will God raise up a prophet, him shall you hear. And when this prophet was come, Christ Jesus, they crucified him, and when they crucified him, they wrote a inscription over him in letters of Hebrew, Greek and Latin; now here stands the world's original over Christ, over the life when they crucified him. The beginning of these many languages was Babel; and Pilate he could not open the scriptures with Hebrew, Greek and Latin, but crucified Christ who is the substance of the scriptures, and when he had done, he set his languages over him. John said in the Revelation, they must be redeemed out of every tongue or language, which they have told us was the original, that which was set over Christ when he was crucified, over the life. But now the life is risen, Christ is risen, who had the languages set a-top of him, Christ is risen who fathoms Babel and Babylon, before Babel or Babylon was, who had the many languages, which is the world's original, so the life is risen a-top of it, which they set a-top of him, and over them that say it is original, and that they must open the scriptures with it, with which they run all into confusion, Babylon, so between Babel and Babylon they may walk and see by plain scriptures how the languages were set over Christ; and Pilate could not open the scriptures with them, nor can they now open the scriptures with their many languages, but break into heaps, heads and parties, for if they could open them, they would satisfy one another, and come all into one, for that which gave them forth is one, which must open them again; so all people, teachers and professors, be all upon heaps, in confusion about the words of the scriptures, saying that is the original, and they are stopped at Babel, for all the earth was of one language before, and the call is out of many languages, out of Babylon, Babylon is the end of them, and the life is risen that stains their pride, defaces their glory, and mars their beauty, for they have a pride, a glory, a beauty in their languages, which they call the original, (the naturals), and the light lets see before Babel or Babylon was, or Pilate either, into the beginning, the covenant of light with God. When people imagined to build Babel, they went out of the life, whom God confounded into many languages, that they might be scattered, and God scattered them, as he will all other gatherings, that are gathered with imaginations, of him, and are the builders, that go from the life of God within them, and so from God. Those who crucified Christ, they were away from the life, and they set the languages above Christ which was the life, and those who were in Babylon, were of them that ravened from the spirit of God in them, and went from the apostles' doctrine into the many languages, which the redemption is from, and so they cannot endure to hear talk of the life, and the spirit of God within, and the light; and these are those who set up languages. But now the life is risen (above the languages) which gathers to God and lets see before Babel or Babylon was, or Pilate either. Exalted Babel shall fall, and become a habitation of devils. But over all the life is risen, that gives to see to the beginning before the world was made, which brings to peace with God, which opens the words of Christ, the prophets, and apostles, and gives to everyone his particular satisfaction concerning the words of the prophets, of Christ, of the apostles, in which life and peace with God is known, which judges all them that have the words, and are out of the life.


I will break into pieces, said the Lord, I will make nations like dirt, I will tread them into mire; I will make religions, professions, teachings, time-servers, callers upon me with their lips, (and hearts afar off), surfeiting in the earth, pride, hypocrisy, and deceitfulness of heart, gathered into a religion that is vain, gatherings on heaps, gatherings of multitudes, gatherings which they call churches, fair shows, fair pretences, hypocritical teachings, self-ends, covetous practices. I will make mire of them, I will make mortar, I will make dirt of them; the wrath of the Lamb is risen upon all apostates, who are gathered in the apostasy, apostatized from the prophets' life, the apostles' life, the life of the Lamb. The Lamb is risen, the scepter is gone out, the throne is set, beware everyone what you profess, what foundations you are laying, you shall be shaken, not being in the possession, being out of the possession of the life of God, of the prophets, of the apostles, of Christ. You diviners, you dreamers, you notionists, in your curiosities in the air, I will whirl you under, hail-stones, vials, plagues, thunders, woes, judgments are come among you, upon your heads, all nations that be out of the life of the Lamb, dread, quakings, fears, shall surprise hypocrites with amazements; the pure life of God is risen, that has been lost, from it you have been apostatized, without it have you been gathered, with it shall your gatherings be broken and scattered; from the life of my apostles, of my prophets have you been all scattered and apostatized, and so true ministry has been lost, true apostles' life lost, true prophets' life lost, false ministers got up, false apostles got up, false prophets got up, and reigned in their stead: my sheep's clothing you have had, wolves you have been, thorns and thistles your earth has brought forth, has lain like a wilderness unploughed up, among whom are so many names, and horns, setting up your inventions, but inwardly ravened, and apostatized, so the witness buried, in you who are whored from it, and in the fornication.

But the rod is over you which must rule nations, trumpets sounding and sounded, the just will rule, the Lamb will have the victory; woes, woes and miseries are out-going upon all the heads of the wicked, the judgments are come upon the world, the day of glory is appearing, and has appeared, the throne and the scepter that is everlasting is come and witnessed, and set over the world, which shall answer that of God in everyone who has ravened from it, and all gatherings upon the earth from that, shall be broken, and it shall answer the just in everyone.

George Fox


By George Fox

Which does manifestly make known the end of the first covenant and priesthood, which could not continue by reason of death. Or the New Covenant of Light, Life, and Peace, wherein the Lord in righteousness establishes the hearts of his people; where they are taught of the Lord. Also herein is declared the difference between Christ's way, and Judas's way.

In the first covenant, Exodus 19 and Deuteronomy 4, you may see how the people were taught the statutes of the Lord, and what they were to observe, and what they were not. The priests' lips were to preserve the knowledge of the people, and they should take the law at his mouth, for under this priesthood the people received the law. Now this law has been changed, and the priesthood has been changed, and the law by which the priesthood was made. In this first covenant there were ordinances and statutes; but the second priesthood has now come, whom Moses prophesied of, who had the ordinances and statutes, which he gave to the priests and to others to teach to the people, who saw beyond them, for he saw Christ whom the people should hear. The prophets also saw beyond those figures and ordinances, and they saw Christ. And David saw beyond them, and he saw Christ. When Christ came, whom they saw, he blotted out the hand-writing of ordinances which formerly had been taught to the people. Formerly, they were to teach these ordinances to each other, and teach their neighbor, and their brother, and their children, writing them on the posts and stones, and upon the walls, and making fringes upon their garments, to put them in remembrance of them. But Christ having come, the second covenant, the everlasting covenant, the first covenant, which is not everlasting and were ordinances, was blotted out by Christ.

Now where the light is received, Christ is received, the covenant of God, and this lets every one see the first covenant, (and the first covenant in which were the ordinances, and the priests' lips that must preserve knowledge). The light that comes from Christ brings to see this, and the change of this priesthood, which was to to educate the people regarding the Law, by the people listening to the priest's lips. The light brings to see the decaying of the first covenant, which is not everlasting, and see Christ to blot out the hand-writing of ordinances. So those who are in the covenant of light, see the first priesthood, whose lips were to preserve knowledge, the first covenant decaying, and the ordinances blotted out; these are in the light, and know God in their new heart , and need not teach every man his neighbor, saying know the Lord. For he that has received the light, has received the covenant with God; and growing up in the light, he is taught of Christ, and grows up in his knowledge. This the everlasting priest, who preserves his knowledge; but not through the first priesthood. This is He that gives him life, but not the first priesthood; and this is He that is the way, and not the first priesthood; for the first priesthood decays; and from him this is He that has the food, and not from the first priesthood, which is changed, and could not continue by reason of its death and annulment.

So God at sundry times and in divers manners, spoke in times past to our fathers by the prophets, but now in these last days has spoken to us by his Son, who is heir of all things, and upholds all things by the word of his power, who is the brightness of his glory, and the express image of his substance, and this now is witnessed, Heb 1. Moses said, that saw beyond his ordinances, and this is He that preserves his knowledge. Now he that does not hear him, (this prophet), whom God has raised up and which Moses spoke of; he follows the decaying things, the changeable priesthood, and pleads for the ordinances that Christ blotted out; as you are turned to the light, to this prophet, you may see with that which gave forth scriptures, the statutes of them that are out of the life, and the Jews which hold up the first priesthood, and the ordinances and the first covenant, for in these was their life, John 5. Christ told them he was the bread of life, which came down from above; and said, is it not written in the prophets they shall be all taught of God? Was is not true that in the first priesthood they were to teach one another, to say know the Lord, and know his ordinances, and know his laws; and was not this in this first priesthood, and first covenant? But Christ the second priesthood, the second covenant, the prophet that Moses saw, whom the people should hear, which lights every man that comes into the world, that all men through him might believe; he said here, it is written in the prophets, you shall be all taught of God, every one therefore that has heard and learned of the Father comes unto me. Mark, he that has heard and learned of the Father, comes unto me, said Christ, who is the way to the Father. Now those who have not heard nor learned of the Father, murmured against Christ and would not come to him. Did God not say, when he had raised up his prophet, which Moses spoke that God would raise up, that the people should hear him. Does God not now say: this is my beloved Son, listen to, yield to, and obey him in all things?" Does not Christ say, learn of me, I am the way, the truth, and the life? Christ, who blotted out all the hand-writings of ordinances, triumphing over them, is the end of the law to every one that believes in him for righteousness sake. Christ, the end of the priesthood that could not continue by reason of death, he it is, who lives forever; and he is the end of the first covenant that decays. He is the everlasting covenant, which never decays, who is God's covenant of light, of life, of peace to his people, so that all through him might believe.

Who have come here, shall know the Lord, the blotting out of ordinances, and the changing of the law, by which they were made; and the disannulling of the command, which they had to take tithes of the people; and see these ordinances blotted out which the people were taught; and see what preserved knowledge, that priesthood at whose lips the people were to seek the law. He, who was made by a law, that law changed, and that priesthood also changed also, so that is the changeable; the light, which comes from the unchangeable, discovers it. Those who have come to Christ, the treasury of wisdom and knowledge, see the end of the first; they have come to the beginning, who is the heir of all things, who was glorified with the Father before the world began. They see God's covenant of light, life, and peace with his people - his everlasting covenant; and who are here need not say, know the Lord, but shall witness the everlasting covenant, and have the law of God written in their hearts, according to his promise. Such have come to Christ, to the second priesthood, the everlasting covenant, who blotted out the hand-writing of ordinances. Christ told them they would be hauled before magistrates out of synagogues, (for such magistrates hold up the first covenant, and the ordinances which Christ blotted out, the first priesthood whose lips were to preserve knowledge, temple, and synagogues), and Christ said to his disciples, (then and now), that when they were brought before magistrates, or scourged in the synagogues, the Holy Ghost would teach them in the same hour what they were to say. Mark, the Holy Ghost teaches these those who have come into the everlasting covenant, as it is known and witnessed at this day by those who are in the covenant of light, life, and peace. The Holy Ghost teaches them what to say in the same hour, to answer the magistrate that holds up the first priesthood, whose lips were to preserve knowledge, and the ordinances which Christ blotted out. Those who were disciples of Christ, preached to the members of this priesthood, trying to show them Christ Jesus as predicted by the prophets, who spoke of Christ that was to come. When Christ came, the members of the old priesthood were found in the words of Moses and the prophets; but they were out of the life of Moses and the prophets; therefore were they blind guides and led others into the ditch; so they did not see what Moses and the prophets saw, and did not receive the new covenant when it came, although the prophets spoke of Christ, who was to come. So it is at this day with those who have the words of the scriptures, but are out of the life, standing against the life that gave them forth, standing against the things of which they they spoke.

So now those who are in the covenant that is everlasting, are taught by the Holy Ghost what to say in the same hour when they are brought and hauled out of the synagogue, and before the magistrate, or before the changeable priesthood; to which priesthood the magistrates and people look, instead of looking to the everlasting covenant, Christ Jesus the prophet, to hear him, who God has raised up, which Moses prophesied of; which thousands now witness, glory to the Lord God forever. In Isa 54, he said all your children shall be taught of God, and great shall be the peace of your children: and in righteousness shall they be established, [mark,] the children of the Lord, which are taught of the Lord, in righteousness shall be established, for who are taught of the Lord, and established in righteousness, they are in Christ the righteousness of God, who is the end of the law for righteousness sake. So you, who have heard and learned of the Father, come to Christ God's righteousness and hear the Son, of which the prophet Moses spoke that God should raise up. Now you, who are holding up priests that take tithes, temple, and synagogues; do you believe that God has raised up his prophet of whom Moses spoke that the people should hear? Do you believe that this prophet has come, of which Moses spoke that God should raise up? You, who are listening to the priests, who continue to take tithes, are not you outside of the covenant that is everlasting? Are not you strangers from the life of God, the covenant of peace, and in the confusion one with another, about words: the words of Christ, the prophets, and apostles? Are not the children taught of the Lord, who are established in righteousness. Are you not but strangers from this covenant of promise, and strangers from the life of God, through the alienating of your minds, and so are still in the changeable. Shall anything prosper, which has been formed against those children taught of the Lord and established in righteousness? Will he not condemn every tongue that rises up in judgment against them? The children of the Lord, who are taught of him and established in righteousness; have they been taught of the first priesthood, which takes the tithes, is changeable, and holds up the synagogues, and temple, and first covenant? Are these followers of old priesthood established in righteousness, and free from oppression; as the children, who are taught of the Lord and established in righteousness, are free from?

David said, who saw beyond the ordinances the first covenant that was to decay, and the first priesthood that was to change, whose lips were to preserve knowledge, and the people was to seek it at his lips; David that saw beyond that priesthood and covenant, that saw Christ, he out-stripped all his teachers. Psa 119:99. I have more understanding than all my teachers, for your testimony is my meditation. [Mark,] The testimony of the Lord was his meditation, for you taught me, how sweet were your words to my taste, yes sweeter than the honey. [Mark,] Here David out-stripped them all, who had heard and was taught of God, and said you taught me; he out-stripped and had more understanding than all his teachers, and said, Oh how I love your law, it is my meditation all the day; and said Solomon, his son, Prov 6, the law is light; who said, to do justice is more than sacrifice; who said of wisdom, Prov 8, I was with him in the beginning, before the earth was, and the hills were settled. So he saw beyond the first priesthood, who saw into the beginning, and before the beginning, when he gave the sea its decree and commandment, and appointed the foundation of the earth. I was with him, and took my solace in the compass of his earth, and my delight was with the children of men, when he established the clouds, when he prepared the heavens, before he made the mountains, and settled the hills, when he had not made the earth, the field, or the highest part of the world, then was I by him, as one brought up with him, daily his delight; here he sees over all the world. Prov 8. And said Job 12, which came to hear God, and after came to see him, Ask now the beast and they will teach you, and the fowls of the air and they will tell you, and speak to the earth and it will teach you, and the fish of the sea and it will declare unto you, who knows not that in all these the hand of the Lord has wrought, in whose hand is the soul of every living thing, and the breath of all mankind; [mark,] mind this hand in which the soul of every living thing is, and the breath of all mankind, mark this hand; feel and know this hand, then you will know that which does the valiant things, and you will come to know that which will teach you.

And now is the time come of Isaiah's prophecy, that the teacher shall be no more removed into a corner, though they have bread of adversity, and water of affliction, but your ears shall hear a word behind you, saying, this is the way, walk you in it. Now all people, being strangers from the covenant of light, their faces toward Egypt, which is darkness, the word calls behind, and all people are walking toward the first priesthood that is changeable, and the first covenant that is changeable, and does decay, and to the synagogue and temple, and the ordinances that Christ blotted out, and maintaining the priesthood with tithes, which were of the first priesthood, but the covenant is changed that made them, and the command disannulled. Now this word is behind all these, for that is not the way, and the word said this is the way from all those ways; the word said Christ is the way, who said learn of me; and God said, this is my beloved Son, hear you him, him that Moses said God would raise up, this is the word, here is the voice behind, and who hears this voice, and has heard this word, hears the Son; in these last days God has spoken to us by his Son, who is heir of all things, whose name is called the word of God. Rev. 19:11-16. Now those who are of the Jews, are for holding up synagogues, and temple, and priesthood, which holds up the first covenant as the Jews did; the priests that take tithes, they will not hear this word, nor this voice behind them, they will have none of Christ, will not allow him to reign over them, and so will not hear the prophet that Moses said God would raise up, and said people should hear, and so disobey Moses’ command, and God's command, who said, this is My Son, My Chosen One or My Beloved; listen to and yield to and obey Him, and Christ's command, who said, learn of me, whose name is the word of God.

So those who had the letter [scriptures], did not know the word, and those who have the letter do not know the voice now, nor the word, but flee to the priest's lips and synagogues, and temple; to the lips of the priest that takes their tithes to teach them their knowledge. So they will not hear the word Christ, nor the voice; but they imprison and persecute those who come to tell them of this word, and this light; they haul them out of the synagogues, and put them into prison, as they did in the days of the Jews. Now here Isaiah saw the word, and the covenant of light which the apostle preached, and knew this voice, and this way, which the people were to walk in, which he saw beyond sacrifice, and offerings, and priesthood, and first covenant; for he saw Christ, and said this is the man whom God has regard to, who was of a broken heart and contrite spirit, and trembled at his word, Isa 66. And Jeremiah saw beyond the first covenant, first priesthood, and tables of stone, statutes and ordinances; and the Lord said by him; I will make a new covenant with the house of Israel, said the Lord, after these days, [mark,] I will put my law in their minds, I will write it in their hearts, I will be their God, and they shall be my people. Mark, here were days when the law was written in stone, and they were to write them upon the walls, and upon posts, and they were to have fringes on their clothing to put them in remembrance of the law. Now that was in days past; but the Lord said, after those days, I will put my law in their hearts; the hearts of those that had put them in tables of stone, in those days where the people were to be taught the law, and to have the Lord taught, and his laws, and his statutes, and his ordinances.

Now the law has been written in the heart according to the promise of the Lord, who performs and fulfils his words according as they were spoken; when he said that he will put his law in their inward parts, and write them in their hearts, after those days [mark,] after the former days, and I will be a God to them, and they shall be my people, and they shall teach no more every man his neighbor, and every man his brother, saying, know the Lord, for they shall all know me, from the greatest to the least of them, said the Lord, and I will be merciful to their unrighteousness, for I will forgive their iniquity, and remember their sins no more. Now while the law was written outwardly, in the tables of stone, or upon the posts, and on fringes of clothing to put them in mind of the law, they taught every man his neighbor, and every man his brother; but these were the days when the laws were written upon stone, the first priesthood, the first covenant then standing. Now after those days, the end of the first priesthood, the first covenant, and the decaying of it; people come to witness the Lord having written his law in their hearts, and put them in their inward parts, [mark]. The Lord having done this, every one feels what the Lord has done, having put his law in their inward parts, and having written his laws in their hearts. Thus they feel the Lord near them; and they, who feel this, feel the promise of God fulfilled and know the Lord, he having put his law in their hearts; for this will teach every man to know the Lord. Thus everyone shall feel the Lord is merciful to their unrighteousness, and their iniquities, and their sins he will remember no more. Those who feel the law written in their heart as his promise fulfilled, know this and know the Lord; yes the least of them, to the greatest of them, so that they shall not need to teach one another, saying, know the Lord; thus said the Lord who has promised this, which gives the sun for a light by day, and the ordinances of the moon, and the stars, for a light by night, which divides the seas when the waves thereof roar, the Lord of hosts is his name; [mark,] if these ordinances depart from before me, said the Lord, then shall the seed of Israel cease from being a nation before me forever.

And now is the Lord known, and his promise fulfilled, and his ordinances performed, who has put his law in their hearts, and written them in the inward parts of his people, and he is their God, and these need not teach every man his brother, and every man his neighbor, saying, know the Lord, for they shall all know me from the least to the greatest, said the Lord, and these, who can show this, that the law of God is written in their hearts, they know the Lord, from the least to the greatest, Jer 31. And in Ezek 11, the Lord said by him, I will give them one heart, and I will put a new spirit within you, and I will take their stony heart out of their flesh, and give them a heart of flesh, that they may walk in my statutes, and keep mine ordinances to do them, and they shall be my people, and I will be their God. Now this spirit is witnessed, which the Lord has put within his people, and has given them a new heart, and this is the one heart, the new heart, with which the people of God come to be joined together to God. This brings the people to know the Lord to be their God, and themselves to be his people according to his promise: they shall be unto me a people, and I will be unto them a God; but as for those that walk after the heart of their own detestable things, and their own abominations, I will recompense their way upon their own heads, said the Lord God.

Now here is the end and portion of those who walk by the light of Christ, walk by the light, so by the law, for the law is light; but those who witness the new heart, the one heart, if it be thousands, yes ten thousands, these walk over all the abomination and detestable things of the world, and see the Lord recompensing upon their heads of those who walk after their own hearts, they are not in this one heart, but in the heart that is desperately wicked, and deceitful, and that is the old heart, the corrupt heart, that is desperately wicked, and this is the portion of them that walk after detestable things, and abominations, God will recompense it upon their own heads. Christ the second priest, the righteousness of God, the everlasting covenant of light, life and peace; when he was to leave his disciples and to pass away from them, he said, I will send you the Comforter. Here is the Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in my name: he shall teach you all things. Mark, the Comforter was to come to those who were of Christ and followed him; the Comforter, the Holy Ghost, would come to them from the Father, which Christ is the way to, which Holy Ghost should teach them all things, and bring all things to their remembrance. Whatever I have spoken to you, [now mark,] this is it that must teach, and was to teach, and must bring all things to remembrance, which Christ has spoken to his disciples, [mark,] this brings to remembrance, the Holy Ghost, the Comforter which comes from the Father, the spirit of truth, which leads into all truth. Now who would have anything to teach them, and to bring to their remembrance, all the things that Christ has spoken, and to teach them, except the Comforter the Holy Ghost; yet there are many who oppose this and deny the possibility of this occurring, and they argue about the meaning of the words of scripture quoted above.

The Holy Spirit is what brings them to remembrance, and the same baptizes and shuts out of the old memory the words; he, who has the words in the old memory of his carnal mind, does not have the Holy Ghost to teach him. But now thousands have come to witness the Holy Ghost, including both those who are educated in letter and ignorant in letter. The Holy Ghost teaches them and brings to their remembrance the things that Christ has spoken; it brings to memory. Without it bringing to memory, there is no teaching of the educated or uneducated, as Peter speaks of; but this is it that teaches, the Holy Ghost, and brings to memory, and lets them see the words, yes, of all things as Christ has spoken; so peace I leave with you.

The disciples and apostles, which witnessed Christ's resurrection and heard him, witness the Holy Ghost's teaching. These had received the Holy Ghost from the Father, which things said the apostle we also speak, not with words of man's wisdom, [mark,] not with words that the man's wisdom teaches, but which the Holy Ghost teaches, comparing spiritual things with spiritual things, [mark,] these spoke not in the words which man's wisdom teaches, not in the words, [take notice of that,] but which the Holy Ghost teaches, and so these witnessed Christ's words fulfilled. The Holy Ghost shall teach you and bring to your remembrance whatsoever I have spoken to you; now these saw Christ's words fulfilled, which we do now that are in his life, and witness the Holy Ghost, for these come to witness that are here, that which Christ spoke should come to pass and enjoy it. Here every one comes to know what the Holy Ghost teaches; here spiritual things are compared with spiritual things. You, who have come to this teaching of the Holy Ghost, will also know those things which also are spoken in words of man's wisdom, which that wisdom teaches, and these things which they speak. Now those who witness the Holy Ghost's teaching, witness a teaching above that teaching in words from man's wisdom, [mark,] we speak, not in the words which man's wisdom teach. 1 Cor 2:13-14. Now they who are without this teaching of the Holy Ghost, and in the teaching from man's wisdom, looking at the words, get up heaps of teachers after their own lusts, and itching ears, itching after the words of man's wisdom, and the words that teaches in man's wisdom pleases them, and these turn after fables, who err from the truth, and are from the Holy Ghost teaching, 2 Tim 4. and are desiring to be teachers of the law, 1 Tim. 1, understanding neither what they say, nor what they affirm; we say the law is good if it be used lawfully. Mark, take notice of this, the law is good if it is used lawfully; knowing this, that it is made for the unrighteous and lawless; knowing it is not made for the righteous, but for the lawless, ungodly, disobedient, and sinners, for the unholy, profane, murderers of fathers, of mothers, man-slayers, for whoremongers, and them that defile themselves with mankind, for liars, for perjured persons, if there be anything that is contrary to sound doctrine, according to the glorious gospel of the glorious God, which is the power of God, for these actions are contrary to the righteous. So the law was made for such, and not for the righteous, for Christ is the end of the law for righteousness sake, to every one that believes. Nevertheless the law is good in its place upon them that do not believe, but are still in sin, and pleading for it; such are teachers of the law, who do not know what they affirm, or of what they speak; for those who preached Christ, who had been taught by the Holy Ghost, said the law was changed by which the priesthood was made, and the commandment was disannulled, which gave them tithes. So those teachers of the law, who did not know what they affirmed, nor of what they spoke, were not taught by the Holy Ghost, which lets see Christ the end of the law, the righteousness of God to every one that believes for righteousness sake.

Now the apostle who witnessed Christ Jesus the everlasting covenant, who saw the end of the law, the end of the first priesthood, the decaying of the covenant, enjoined this which the prophet Jeremiah gave testimony of, and saw it fulfilled. Now said the apostle, if that first covenant had been faultless, then should no place be found for the second, for finding fault with them, he said, "behold the days come, said the Lord, when I will make a new covenant with the house of Israel, and the house of Judah, and not according to the covenant that I made with their fathers in the day when I took them by the hand, [mark,] to lead them out of the land of Egypt, because they continued not in my covenant, I regard them not, said the Lord." Mark, because they did not continue in God's covenant, he regarded them not; but now in the covenant, which God makes with his people, not according to that covenant which the people did not continue in, the Lord regarded them; for this is the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel after these days, said the Lord, I will put my law in their minds, and write them in their hearts, I will be to them a God, and they shall be to me a people, and they shall not need to teach every man his neighbor, or every man his brother, for they shall all know me, from the least to the greatest; and I will be merciful to their unrighteousness, and their sins and iniquities I will remember no more. He said a new covenant, he made the first old, [mark,] now that which decays and waxes old, is ready to vanish away. Now those in this new covenant, not according to the old made with the house of Israel and the house of Judah, but with the law of God put in their minds and written in their hearts, these witness the light, for the law is light, and they need not to teach every man his neighbor, or his brother, for this will teach every man, yes from the least to the greatest. Who witness this light, the law written in their hearts and in their minds, they know and witness him that is merciful to their unrighteousness, and their sins and iniquities he will remember no more, who has put his law in their minds, and written it in their hearts. In this state, the Lord is their God, and they are his people, and those who are in this state, witness the new covenant received from God. And he makes the first old, [mark,] he makes the first old; those who are in the old, and the decaying, and man's wisdom teaching, these are out of the new covenant, and do not know the Lord that gives the new. Now that which decays and waxes old, is ready to vanish away, ([mark, waxes old, decays, vanishes away), and they, who do not witness the new put into their minds and written in their hearts, do not know the Lord; they are in that which the Lord makes old, (the first covenant), and in that which decays and waxes old, and is ready to vanish away. Now this the apostle saw in his days, and such as are in the new covenant of God, the law written in their hearts and put in their minds, (which law is the light), these see the decaying, and the waxing old, and the vanishing of the other; and so these see those past days while the old covenant was still valid, and these see the days of the new covenant that came after those days.

Christ has come, the covenant of God, to do his will, as in the volume of the book, the everlasting covenant of light and life; and this is the covenant that I will make to the house of Israel and Judah, to the Gentiles a covenant of light, to the Gentiles that are in darkness; and the Jews and the Gentiles that are in the light, they are in one way, and with the light they come to know the Lord, and having received the light put into their minds, they come to have the law written in their hearts, and put into their minds; and he that receives the light, receives the covenant, whether he is Jew or Gentile. He that receives the covenant, the new covenant, the law written in the heart, he receives a new heart; the stony heart goes away. For the stony heart will hold the decaying things, and those things that waxes old and vanishes away, and with that heart God is not seen. Now that heart was desperately wicked, and deceitful, which the saints were once in, before receiving a new heart; for where the law is written in their hearts, that old heart is taken away; and so the saints come to witness the new covenant, and the new heart, and the one heart. This is the heart the saints are in, who believe in the light, Christ the covenant of light, and with this light they come to witness the law and Holy Ghost's teaching; and this turned them from man's teachings in the wisdom of words, to what the Holy Ghost taught. These come to witness the pure heart with which they see God, and know God, which those who are out of do not. This covenant, this everlasting new covenant is witnessed in our days, and this new heart is witnessed, this pure heart with which heart God is seen. God has put his law in the minds of his people, and in their hearts has he written them, with which they know him, and he is their God, and they are his people; and these witness what the Lord has spoken formerly in the ages past by his prophets to be fulfilled and having come to pass, for that is the end for which the scriptures were given forth, to be believed, fulfilled, read and practiced. John said, let that therefore abide in you, which you have heard from the beginning, [mark,] which you have heard from the beginning, let that abide in you. For Christ said I am the light of the world, who does enlighten every man that comes into the world, by whom the world was made, and all things were created for him and to him, who is the heir of all things, glorified with the Father before the world began, who enlightens every one that comes into the world, that all through him might believe. And this is the light that shines in darkness, (and shows darkness, sin, and evil), which comes from him who is the light; and this was the light, which the apostle was sent to turn people from darkness to; so turning to the light, turns to Christ, to him from whom it comes, by whom the world was made. Those who hear the light, hear that which was from the beginning, and hear that which you have received from the beginning. Therefore I say unto you all, let that abide in you, which you have heard from the beginning, the light, and if that which you have heard from the beginning shall abide in you, you shall continue in the Son, and in the Father, for this comes from the Son, and the Father, and leads up into the Son from whence it comes, the light, and this is it which you have heard from the beginning: therefore I say unto you, let that abide in you, and this is the promise which he has promised us, even eternal life.

And these things have I written unto you concerning them that seduce you; now they who seduce, seduce from what you have heard from the beginning; which he, in whom it abides, continues in the Son, and in the Father, and comes to receive eternal life, which is the promise. Now the seducer teaches, who has the seducing spirit; but those are out of the truth, and do not abide in that which he has heard from the beginning; but is out of it.

This is the word of the Lord God to you, and that is the sorcerer that is out of it, which is heard from the beginning, and brings to eternal life, and brings to have unity with the Father, and the Son; and this is the word of the Lord God to you again, which the seducer is out of, which would seduce from it, and seduces all that are from it, that which is heard from the beginning. This is the world of wickedness under the power of the seducer, which seduces from what was heard from the beginning, from having unity with the Father, and the Son; and these are under the power of the seducing teachers. He, who is out of the unity the Father and the Son, denies the Son; yes, and denies the Father also, because they do not hear what was from the beginning, that anointing which you have received of him who abides in you; [mark,] abides in you, the light which comes from the holy one, from him by whom the world was made. Mark, now it abides in you, the anointing which you have received from him, from Christ, from the holy one, and you need not that any man teach you, but as the same anointing teaches you all things, mark. That which you have received from the beginning, the anointing which abides in you, it will teach you, and you need not that any man teach you, but as the same anointing teaches you of all things, [mark,] but as the same anointing teaches them that abide in it.

Now who has received teaching, but not as the same anointing teaches him, those are led away from the Holy One, and so are seduced; for they need not any man teach them, but as the same anointing teaches of all things that come from the holy one, which you have received of him, of Christ by whom the world was made. So the seducer leads from this anointing, which you have received of him which abides in you, and you need not that any man teach you, but as the same anointing teaches you. Now there is man's teaching which draws from this anointing, which you have received and abides within you, and this man's teaching pleads with you that you need man's teaching; but the Holy Ghost's teaching said that you need not that any man teach you, but as the same anointing teaches you of all things, and is truth, [mark] of all things the same anointing teaches you, and is truth, and is no lie, [mark]. This is that which abides in you, and even as this anointing has taught you, you shall abide in him, mark, in Christ from where it comes. No one comes to abide in Christ, except by the teaching [and changing grace] of this anointing which they have in them. They shall abide in him, and it is truth, and no lie, and they need not that any man teach them, but as this anointing teaches them, which abides in you; and even as you are taught, you should abide in him by whom the world was made, and to see over men's teaching, and see those of men teaching to be out of abiding, and the seducer under the abiding and drawing people from it.

And now little children abide in him, that when he shall appear you may have confidence in him; now who abides in him, abides in that which they have heard from the beginning; those who abide in this, abide in the anointing which they have received from him who abides in them, and these need not any man teach them, but as the same anointing teaches them of all things, and it is true, and no lie, and received from him, that you abide in him, even as it has taught you. You shall abide in him, [mark,] as it has taught you, you shall abide in him; but if you abide in what man teaches you, and the seducing spirit teaches you, they draw you from this anointing that abides in you; such does not abide in him, nor the truth, but believe lies, but these come shame and are without confidence at his appearing.* But you shall not be ashamed at his appearing, who abide in him, who are taught with the anointing, but you shall have confidence, and if you know that he is righteous, you know that every one that does righteousness is born of him, and this they know that abide in him, and are taught of the anointing, and these comprehend the seducer's and men's teaching, and such as draw from the anointing that abides within you, [mark,] it abides within you, and none come to abide in the Son, but who abide in that, and are taught with that, with the anointing, and even as it teaches them they shall abide in him, in him by whom the world was made. And so the seducer and man's teaching people draws from the anointing, that abides in them, that must teach them; for if the man-teacher, and the seducer suffers people to own that which abides in them, and that they need not that man teach them, but as the same anointing teaches them, the seducer and man's teaching will soon fall, and man will have nothing to do, as every one is taught with this anointing which they have in them, they shall continue in the Son, and in the Father: and to you this is the word of the Lord God.

*Those who are purified while on the earth by the grace of God, see Christ appear within them, bringing salvation and the Kingdom. Those who die, still in their sins, see Christ appear when they die. See Howgill's writing for the details of this Day of the Lord.

Christ's Way and Judas's Way

Christ Jesus which is the unchangeable priest, is the way to the Father, who is the light, he is the way to the Father of light, and all the changeable priests are not the way, who take the tithes, hold up synagogues and temple made with hands, where the hirelings are, and such as divine for money, teachers that bear rule by their means, seek for their gain from their quarter, shepherds that seek for the fleece; the teachers that through covetousness make merchandize of the people, and teachers for filthy lucre sake, which have the love of money, which is the root of evil, and these are all out of the way, which is the light. All of those who are under these teachers, are kept out of the way by these teachers, and taught to deny the way, by teaching them to deny the light, which enlightens every one that comes into the world. Both the teachers and their hearers rail and blaspheme against the way; but the light, which enlightens every man that comes into the world, is the way that came from the Father of lights, which light enlightens every man that comes into the world, and comes from the Father of lights, and goes to the Father of lights again. Christ said, I came from the Father, and go to the Father again; I am the way, the truth, and the life, no man comes to the Father but by me; and I am the way to the Father, the light, truth, and life, and who comes to me, comes to the Father, for I am the way to the Father. Who comes not to me, comes not to the way, and comes not to the life, and comes not to the truth, and comes not to the peace.

Now the way of the devil was away from the truth, who abode not in it, and he deceived Eve; then she gave to Adam, who ate, though it had been said to him that he would die the death; which led out of the command of God, and so into death, which he did, and died; and was driven from God, disobeying his command, he went from God. So the way from the command of God, is death; the command is life, but the way from it is death. He who does not abide in the truth, but goes from it, does not abides in the way of God. Now Cain went from the command of God, which command is light; so Cain a murderer, and so is the devil who abode not in the truth. Now this is the devil's way, this is Cain's way, both murderers, who go from the light, from the truth, which is the command of God; and the Lord said unto Cain, "If you do well shall you not be accepted, and if not, sin lies at the door"? He did not do well, he disobeyed the command of God, and so went out of the command [walking by the promptings and direction of God's wisdom] of God; and all the heathen who do not know God are out of the way, which is the light; and all the Jews, who had the law of God and talked of the words of it, but obeyed it not, were out of the way, which is the light. For the law is light, and these did not recognize Christ when he came, who were out of the law, which is light, and the obedience of it; and these did not see Christ when he had come, who was the light, the end of the law; which is the way, the new and living way; and Christ: the end of the first priesthood, the end of the first covenant, the end of the temple made with hands, and the end of all the synagogue-teachers, and temple-teachers that take tithes, who is the way to the Father, and the church in God the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Now those who believe in the light, and walk in the light, that enlightens every man that comes into the world, they walk in the way, they walk in truth, to receive life eternal, and to witness the holy one. The anointing in them, by which they need no man to teach them; but as the same anointing teaches them all things, and is truth, and is no lie, and as every one abides in this anointing which is within them, received from the holy one, when he does appear, they shall appear with him in glory, for it is the way, comes from the way, and it is the way to the glory. But those who are turned from the light, which they have received from Christ the holy one, him by whom the world was made, which was glorified with the Father before the world began; I say those who turn from this light, go from the eternal honor, the eternal glory, the eternal riches, the everlasting priesthood, the everlasting covenant of light, life, and peace. They go from the way, they go from the truth, they go from the life, erring from the way to the Father, where the church is in God. In addition those who go from the light to the priests that take the tithes, and hold up synagogues, and outward temples made with hands, which divine for money, and teach for filthy lucre, and seek for their gain from their quarter, and bear rule by their means, and seek for the fleece; those who follow such priests have Judas for their way, not Christ, for they are gone from the light, Christ, the unchangeable priest, to the changeable; they may talk of Christ, but are gone from him, that are gone from the light, to Judas, who had received part of the ministry when he forsook Christ. Judas went and betrayed Christ, and sold him to the changeable priests, and betrayed him to them. So, whoever forsakes the light which enlightens every man that comes into the world, which they are enlightened withal, and go to the changeable priests, Judas is your way. You who have been convinced with the light, and are gone from it, to the priests, the synagogues, temple priests, that take tithes; you speak evil of the right way, and cause others to speak evil of it, who through covetousness make merchandize of you. For the light is the way, and the light is the truth; and all they who hate the light, who enlightens every man who comes into the world, and cannot believe in the light that enlightens every man that comes into the world, they do not believe in the way, nor in the truth, nor in the life. These do not receive the gospel, for they do not receive the light of the glorious gospel; the god of the world having blinded their eyes. The light of the glorious gospel, which is the image of God, they do not see him by whom the world was made, who lights every man that comes into the world, and do not see the light of the glorious gospel, which lights every man that comes into the world, which light is the power of God.

And you may see all that are out of the light, who are out of the way, out of the truth. The Jews were out of the way, although they professed the scriptures, and they persecuted the way. The christians now that are in the letter, now are out of the way, and persecute those who are in the spirit; and these christians in the scriptures are crying up the Bible, and crying against the way, the light that enlightens every one that comes into the world; just as the Jews did, who cried up the outward ordinances, and the law, and the letter, but denied Christ, who lets them see the end of it. Persecution has always been out of the light, and so was always blind. This is the word of the Lord God to you all: Judas was out from the light, and so from the way Christ; when he went to the changeable priesthood, he went out from the everlasting priesthood. So are they all now, who go to the priests that take tithes, and to the synagogues, and temple, instead of Christ the everlasting priesthood, and do not receive gifts from him, who gives gifts that are perfect, that are for the perfecting of the saints. But the priesthood that takes tithes, and holds up synagogues, and temples, and says that men shall not be perfect while they are upon earth; you are an imperfect ministry, but Christ is the way, who received gifts for men, who is perfect, for the perfecting of the saints, until that they do come to the unity of the faith, and to the knowledge of the son of God to a perfect man, and to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ, who perfects forever them that are sanctified, [mark,] he perfects them forever. But this ministry now, and the work of this ministry is denied, with the ministers, that deny the light which enlightens every man that comes into the world, which have not received their gifts from Christ, which makes perfect, who ascended far above all principalities and powers, which was glorified with the Father, with the glory which he had before the world began.