Monday, 3 June 2013

RC Sproul quotes

The primary posture of fallen man is refusing to honour God.

How does the Spirit make us alive? He does it through the Word of God.

Unbelievers can tolerate Christ only as long as He is stripped of His real identity.

Although Jesus warned his disciples that the world would hate and oppose them, He also offered them the great comfort in John 16:33 that He has overcome the world.

For the Christian, there can be joy in the midst of suffering.

In all our prayers, we must let God be God. No one tells the Father what to do, not even the Son.

Any conception of a god that is less than sovereign is an idol and no god at all.

When we seek glory, we do so at the expense of the glory of God.

If the church becomes an echo of the world, the mission of the world is accomplished.

The Spirit never brings attention to Himself, but always drives attention to Christ and to His accomplishment.

The number one cause for misunderstanding the Scriptures is making illegitimate inferences from the text.

There is an inseparable relationship between your affection for Christ and your affection for the Scriptures.

When the gospel is at stake, everything is at stake.

Nothing could be more irrational than the idea that something comes from nothing.

Preaching has no power unless God the Holy Spirit takes His Word and penetrates hearts with it.

The sacrifice of our lives to God is the only reasonable response to the One who has paid such a high cost for our redemption.

The only people who embrace the Word of God are those who have first been changed by the Holy Spirit.

The person who is trusting in his righteousness to be saved has a false assurance.

Many who claim the name of Christ would rather live peacefully on the reservation than disturb the world with the good news.

Prayers are always to be requests made in humility and submission to the Father’s will.

We need to notice not just the complaints the biblical saints sometimes make, but the responses God gives.

In His tender mercies, God has an incredible capacity to love the unlovely.

God displays His providence as much in suffering as in prosperity.

The only works of righteousness that serve to justify a sinner are the works of Christ.

Regeneration is something that is accomplished by God, and only by God. A dead man cannot raise himself from the dead.

When God says something, the argument is over.

To honour God as God, we must worship Him as He and He alone decrees.

Jesus ascended into heaven to fulfil His role as our Great High Priest, interceding for His people daily.

To believe that we are sinless we must annul the standards of God’s Law... We must lie to ourselves both about the Law of God and about our own obedience.

Satan can do only what the sovereign God allows him to do.

We must never lose sight of the fact that we are bound to Jesus by mighty mystical cords that cannot be broken.

God commands all men everywhere to repent. He offers pardon before we even ask. He is long-suffering but not forever.

We tend to be impatient. When I pray for patience, I tend to ask for it "right now!"

Fear of God involves not simply a trembling before His wrath, but a sense of reverence and awe because of His glorious holiness.

There is no such thing as a closet Christian; we’re to bear witness to the world of our commitment to Christ and not hide it.

I don't think there's anything more certain itself than the existence of God.

The truth redeems. The truth preserves. The truth makes us free. The truth makes us holy.

We can serve Satan and the interests of this world, or we can serve the Living God and be servants of Christ.

Christ not only dies for us, He lived for us; that's the whole point of the gospel.

It is the task of the pastor and of the church to feed the sheep.

Man enjoys such an exalted rank in the nature of things because mankind bears the image of God.

Disciples of Christ abide in His Word. Those who abide in His Word know the truth and are free.

If it had been God's intention to save everybody, then everybody would be saved, but God’s purpose in redemption was to save a remnant.

All men have offended God’s justice and deserve His judgment.

The good soil is good because of the supernatural work on the soul by God the Holy Spirit.

At its root, this is what faith is. It is not believing in God. It’s believing God.

If it were left to us, we would all fall away from the faith and perish.

A just and holy God is never required to love a rebellious creation to the extent of extending mercy to it.

You can’t love Jesus and not love His Word.

We live in a culture today where the truth claims of Christianity are not only rejected, they are ridiculed.

How we treat God's name reflects how we feel about Him.

There is something in us that's not in God and that something we call, evil.

God is sovereign over evil and in His sovereignty will not allow evil to have the last word.

Without the connection to Christ, who is the power supply, we will be completely fruitless.

You are converted not because of your own inherent righteousness, but because God converted you.

Hell reflects the presence of God in His mode of judgment, in His exercise of wrath, and that’s what everyone would like to escape.

The price of repentance is very, very painful. True repentance is honest before God.

A cloak is put over the darkness of my sin...and my sin is covered by the righteousness of Christ.

We are to exhibit a form of behaviour and attitude toward other people that will mirror for them the compassion of Jesus.

Once we refuse to honour God as God, our whole view of life and the world becomes distorted.

The ultimate form of idolatry is humanism, which regards man as the measure of all things.

We cannot change God. God is unchangeable. If changes are to be made, they must be made in us.

As long as [a fallen man] remains in the flesh, unregenerate, he will never choose Christ.

We are not loving people when we're telling them that God accepts them as they are without repentance, because we're lying to them.

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