Saturday, 5 August 2023


By: Brother Paul kalayi

The BOOK of LIFE contains the names of the REDEEMED.

They redeemed are those who have been saved or received eternal life; These are those who put their faith in God or Jesus Christ.

The book of life is sometimes called the LAMB'S BOOK of LIFE.... This is because they book of life belongs to Christ. (Rev 13:8)

Why book of LIFE?

The Bible says JESUS is the Him is life (see: John 1:4, 3:15, 14:6,) if Jesus is the LIFE, then the book of life contains the names of those who are in Christ Jesus.

Hallelujah!!, If you are in Christ Jesus by faith, your name is ALREADY in the book of life... every Born again Christian or believer has his or her name already written in the lamb's book of life, for the book of life contains the names of those who have been saved or redeemed.

 The Bible says

John 3:15 "so that everyone who BELIEVES in HIM will have eternal LIFE." (Emphasis)

Apostle Paul described some believers as those who have their names in the book of life; 

Philippians 4:3 "And I ask you, my true partner, to help these two women, for they worked hard with me in telling others the Good News. They worked along with Clement and the rest of my co-workers, WHOSE NAMES are WRITTEN in the BOOK OF LIFE."(emphasis)

If you believe and accepted Jesus into your heart as your Lord and savior then your name is written in the book of life.

The book of life contains the names of the righteous or faithful saints in Christ, it does not contain the names of the wicked or unbelievers (see: Psalms 69:28)

The Bible says

Acts 4:12 "There is salvation in no one else! God has given no other name under heaven by which we must be saved.”

Beloved, if you want your name to be written in the book of life then you need JESUS, There's salvation in no one else, not Buddha, nor Mohammad nor Krishna etc But JESUS, He is the Way the Truth and the Life (see: John 14:6), This is the more reason why everyone needs to hear the gospel; everyone needs Jesus to be saved.


Our own works cannot save us; our own righteousness is like filthy rags before God ONLY the REDEMPTIVE WORK of Christ on the CROSS brings salvation and registers us in the list of the righteous in the book of life.

There is salvation in no one else...Those whose names are not in the book of life are those who have not received or have rejected Jesus, These are they people of the world who take pleasure in sin and disobedience, they Bible says;

Revelation 13:8 "And all the people who belong to this world worshiped the beast. They are the ones whose names were not written in the Book of Life that belongs to the Lamb who was slaughtered before the world was made."

Their names were not written in the book of life because they did NOT accept THE LIFE or JESUS to be saved and hence will face the wrath of God for their sins or disobedience.They Bible says

"Whoever believes in Him is not condemned, but whoever DOES NOT BELIEVE stands CONDEMNED already because he has not believed in the name of God's one and only Son." John 3:18 (emphasis)

Beloved, when you reject Salvation that is in Christ, you stand condemned or judged for your own sins that you cannot atone before God and hence face the wrath of God; the results is to be thrown in the lake of fire. The Bible says

Revelation 20:15 "And anyone whose name was not found recorded in the Book of Life was thrown into the lake of fire."

Those who have rejected Jesus do not have their names in the book of life... Jesus said "No one can come to the Father except THROUGH Me." see: John 14:6b

Are you in Christ? Is your name written in the book of life.

The Holy Spirit says "Today if you hear His voice don't harden your heart." Repent!!

Remain blessed!!

JESUS is Coming SOON

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